
About Linda Stewart

Linda is the Pastoral Counselor of Hermano Pablo Ministries. She is the daughter of alcoholics (mother, father, and step-father), and decided at a young age that she wanted to provide a very different life for her own future children. Linda and Charles have five children, three of whom are adopted. She has a Master’s Degree in Counseling and has completed post-graduate studies in Marriage and Family Therapy. She has served as a Biblical counselor in both the United States and South America. In addition, she has worked as a teacher in both public and private schools (from kindergarten to high school), and has been a school counselor.

Case 25


I have a seventeen‑year‑old son, and I have tried to protect him from bad influences. However, there was a time in my marriage when I did not have the desire to have marital relations with my husband, and one of my husband’s reactions was to get pornographic videos and bring them into our bedroom. I [...]

Case 252023-06-05T19:25:09-07:00

Case 24


I am not OK; I feel lonely. I would like to give my life to Christ, but I don’t know how. I would like to know what religion I should choose. Please, help me. Dear Friend, What a good question! It is a question that has been asked for centuries. One day, at lunch time, [...]

Case 242023-06-05T19:23:24-07:00

Case 23


I suffer from rage, and I brutally beat my three-year-old son. I am sorry; but when I am angry, I can't control myself. Help me! I don't know what to do. I always promise myself that I won't do it again, but then I fall back into the same pattern. Dear Friend, King Solomon, one [...]

Case 232024-04-12T17:17:13-07:00

Case 22


I have received a proposal to invest a minimum of a thousand dollars in order to earn ten percent a month without doing anything else. I would have to deposit my money in a Swiss account, and they say they would invest the funds in foreign currencies and then deposit the interest in an account [...]

Case 222024-04-12T17:18:02-07:00

Case 21


I am forty‑five years old and I feel that my life is sifting through my hands. Perhaps this is not the type of case that you expect me to tell you; I only know that I need to fill this vacuum that I have inside. I don’t have any desire to go on living. Death [...]

Case 212023-06-05T19:22:51-07:00

Case 20


I am an only child. My father died seven years ago, and I currently live with my mother, my husband, and my two grown children. The problem that I have is that since the time I got married twenty‑two years ago, my mother has never liked my husband and she has always wanted to control [...]

Case 202023-06-08T17:48:51-07:00

Case 19


Hello! Thank you for accepting my case. I need help in how to discipline my son who is seventeen years old. He is loving when he wants to be, but most of the time he is very rebellious. He doesn’t do what I ask or tell him to do. When I don’t go along with [...]

Case 192023-06-08T17:48:20-07:00

Caso 18


My life had always been peaceful, as I dedicated myself to my work and to my studies. Nevertheless, in 2001 a colleague invited me to visit a casino with him. Since I had never been in a casino with slot machines before..., he suggested that I just put a coin into a slot, so I [...]

Caso 182023-06-08T17:47:22-07:00

Case 17


It happened at the coffee shop, where I work. One day I was there alone when two teenagers came in. When they left, one of them got distracted and forgot to take his wallet with him. I saw the wallet, grabbed it quickly, and put it under a table, acting as if nothing had happened. [...]

Case 172023-03-22T20:32:37-07:00

Case 16


Day after day, I suffer in silence with the agony of a forbidden love. I don’t know what to do. My love is real, and I have never felt a love so intense as what I feel for him. But I know that there is a great woman who doesn’t deserve to be hurt. I [...]

Case 162023-03-22T20:33:23-07:00
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