Case of the Week

Case 386


I am a forty-eight-year-old single man with no children. Two years ago I met a woman who is now fifty years old.... We love each other and want to get married, and she is willing to come and live in my country. The only problem is that I’m afraid she can’t have children at her [...]

Case 3862024-04-02T22:07:59-07:00

Case 385


I am a thirty-seven-year-old man. I have two children from two different relationships. The oldest is eighteen, and the youngest is thirteen. I am living with the youngest and her mother. I haven’t communicated with the oldest at all. He knows that I exist and he has my last name. I am sorry, but I [...]

Case 3852024-04-02T22:08:12-07:00

Case 384


I have been married for approximately seven years, and we have two children.... During an argument, I stabbed my husband in the chest with a small knife. Thank God, it didn’t hurt him seriously; but now we are legally separated and are waiting on a court ruling regarding the custody of the children. I need [...]

Case 3842024-04-02T22:08:28-07:00

Case 383


A week ago we found out that my girlfriend is pregnant.... I am still a student. Because of that, my girlfriend decided to not tell anyone who the father of the child is. Apparently her mother is going to stand behind her, but my family does not know anything. I have asked the Lord, repentantly, [...]

Case 3832024-05-13T22:08:54-07:00

Case 382


I am the result of a casual relationship between two single adults. My father has always rejected me. He is now married and has three children, who don’t love me because I was born before they came into his life. Everyone in the family recently found out about my existence, but they ignore me so [...]

Case 3822024-04-10T20:12:28-07:00

Case 381


Four years ago my husband fell in love with another woman and left me and our two children. I thought that he would change his mind and come back. However, he did not, but rather started a new family and forgot about us. That made me feel deeply frustrated and, in spite of all the [...]

Case 3812024-04-10T20:14:25-07:00

Case 380


I resent my father very much because he is the most cruel man that I have ever known. He hurts my mother both physically and psychologically. He is an alcoholic, and he uses hurtful and obscene language. I have hated and resented him all my life for all the things he has done to us, [...]

Case 3802024-04-10T20:16:28-07:00

Case 379


I have been married for the past nine years. Mi wife and I argue and fight all the time. I am tired of it and want to leave her; but I have two children whom I love dearly, and I stay because of them. However, I can’t stand her any more! What can I do? [...]

Case 3792024-04-10T20:17:30-07:00

Case 378


I have been in a relationship with my boyfriend for five years. We have economic difficulties that prevent us from getting married. I can’t help feeling envy, desperation, and sadness in my heart every time someone else announces their upcoming marriage. I just try to hide my feelings and attend the wedding even though I [...]

Case 3782024-04-10T20:19:21-07:00

Case 377


I am the father of two daughters, one who is eighteen and the other who is five years old. My wife and I don’t have any marital problems, but five years ago we began to have difficulties with our oldest daughter. The worst happened when she began to attend the university, for even though we [...]

Case 3772024-04-10T20:20:37-07:00
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