Case of the Week

Case 31


I was at the point of taking my own life. I have suffered nights of insomnia, crying without anyone seeing. [I am a young man.] It’s been almost two years that I’ve been depressed. My self‑esteem is as low as it can get. I have a hard time even smiling. I have lost my job [...]

Case 312024-04-12T14:53:14-07:00

Case 30


I was married for three years to a loving, respectful, responsible professional man... but our marriage got into a rut. I didn’t feel that I was growing as a person, so I decided we should get separated. Since then, I have been even more miserable. I have been with several other men, but those relationships, [...]

Case 302024-04-12T17:12:43-07:00

Case 29


When I found out my wife was pregnant, I promised [God] that I would not break my marriage vow to be faithful to her. But I failed her, and she has had a very difficult pregnancy.... [Now she] is just about to lose the baby. Only a miracle will save the child; but I am [...]

Case 292024-04-12T17:13:56-07:00

Case 28


Almost two years ago I started having sex with my boyfriend. Now I am pregnant, and even though before this happened my boyfriend spoke with my mom about us getting married, now he comes up with any excuse he can to avoid the subject. My family keeps asking me for a wedding date, and I [...]

Case 282024-05-13T22:01:06-07:00

Case 27


I had it all! My dreams and aspirations had come true, and I had a wonderful family: a selfless, understanding, and supportive wife, and two children who filled my life with joy from the moment they were born. Nevertheless, I met another woman and fell in love with her. I got my hopes up in [...]

Case 272024-04-12T17:15:18-07:00

Case 26


We have a four‑year‑old daughter who is giving us a difficult time with regard to discipline, obedience, respect, and following our orders. She has become rebellious: she doesn’t obey, hits us, and answers us with arrogance in spite of how young she is. We have tried various methods of discipline, including not giving her rewards, [...]

Case 262023-06-05T19:25:32-07:00

Case 25


I have a seventeen‑year‑old son, and I have tried to protect him from bad influences. However, there was a time in my marriage when I did not have the desire to have marital relations with my husband, and one of my husband’s reactions was to get pornographic videos and bring them into our bedroom. I [...]

Case 252023-06-05T19:25:09-07:00

Case 24


I am not OK; I feel lonely. I would like to give my life to Christ, but I don’t know how. I would like to know what religion I should choose. Please, help me. Dear Friend, What a good question! It is a question that has been asked for centuries. One day, at lunch time, [...]

Case 242023-06-05T19:23:24-07:00

Case 23


I suffer from rage, and I brutally beat my three-year-old son. I am sorry; but when I am angry, I can't control myself. Help me! I don't know what to do. I always promise myself that I won't do it again, but then I fall back into the same pattern. Dear Friend, King Solomon, one [...]

Case 232024-04-12T17:17:13-07:00

Case 22


I have received a proposal to invest a minimum of a thousand dollars in order to earn ten percent a month without doing anything else. I would have to deposit my money in a Swiss account, and they say they would invest the funds in foreign currencies and then deposit the interest in an account [...]

Case 222024-04-12T17:18:02-07:00
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