Responsibilities of children

Case 244


I am a twenty-six year-old woman, and the only time that I saw my biological father was when I was six or seven years old. My mother and my maternal grandparents raised me. I suffered a lot over not having a father in my life.... He went to another country after the last and only [...]

Case 2442024-04-02T21:44:21-07:00

Case 224


My parents got divorced when I was young, and each of them began a new life. But my mother became very materialistic and authoritarian with her children, to the extent that if we don’t give her money or work to take care of her, she gets angry with us and treats us with contempt. It [...]

Case 2242024-04-11T19:22:25-07:00

Case 214


My mother gave birth to me when she was an unmarried teenager. I grew up in a household with a grandfather and uncles who are alcoholics.... In spite of the fact that my mother never hit me, she caused a gaping wound that is difficult to heal. She is also an alcoholic and, even though [...]

Case 2142023-06-08T20:56:26-07:00

Case 170


My relationship with my mother was very weak because she was an alcoholic.... It was so difficult that she eventually decided to move to another country. When she had been there for seven years, she got infected with AIDS and died. That was six years ago. I couldn’t go to help her, to be with [...]

Case 1702024-04-11T20:10:25-07:00

Case 155


I am six months pregnant, and my husband and I live with my mother in the house that I built for her.... We have a lot of problems because she constantly gives us orders and reminds us day after day that the house is hers and that everything must be done to suit her. She [...]

Case 1552024-04-12T12:07:59-07:00

Case 143


Thirty-one years ago, my mother abandoned us because she was abused by my jealous father.... Our home was a living hell, because we older three children were also abused. Six months ago, I found my mother after all these years.... I haven’t wanted to tell my father, since he always forbade us to even mention [...]

Case 1432023-06-08T18:58:54-07:00

Case 111


My parents divorced a few months before I was born, and my father moved to another city. I am now twenty‑two years old, and I have seen my father only on a few occasions.... My mother never spoke badly of him, but she has said that she hopes we will never look for him because [...]

Case 1112023-06-08T18:38:38-07:00

Case 63


I am a forty‑two‑year‑old nonmarital son. My father is still alive. I love him very much. He has always kept up with me and my mother, but he has never introduced me to his family.... I believe that I should respect his decision to keep my existence a secret.... He is now very old, so [...]

Case 632024-04-12T14:23:50-07:00

Case 20


I am an only child. My father died seven years ago, and I currently live with my mother, my husband, and my two grown children. The problem that I have is that since the time I got married twenty‑two years ago, my mother has never liked my husband and she has always wanted to control [...]

Case 202023-06-08T17:48:51-07:00

Case 14


My case began ten years ago. My father has always had a weakness for women; in other words, he’s a womanizer. My mother has always argued with him about this, but he won’t settle down. They have separated thousands of times, only to get back together. I have an older brother, a sister who is [...]

Case 142023-03-22T20:34:19-07:00
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