
About Linda Stewart

Linda is the Pastoral Counselor of Hermano Pablo Ministries. She is the daughter of alcoholics (mother, father, and step-father), and decided at a young age that she wanted to provide a very different life for her own future children. Linda and Charles have five children, three of whom are adopted. She has a Master’s Degree in Counseling and has completed post-graduate studies in Marriage and Family Therapy. She has served as a Biblical counselor in both the United States and South America. In addition, she has worked as a teacher in both public and private schools (from kindergarten to high school), and has been a school counselor.

Case 864


While planning to leave my boyfriend because of his behavior with other women on social media, I found out that I was pregnant. I sought God’s guidance, we talked with our mentors, and they advised him that, if he truly loved me, he needed to change. So he committed to change, and we made plans [...]

Case 8642025-03-18T18:45:41-07:00

Case 863


I am twenty-six and my wife is thirty. These years have been difficult due to financial problems. I have struggled multiple times to find a job because I don’t yet have a university degree, and that has been a big issue in our relationship. My wife has a bachelor’s degree, making it easier for her [...]

Case 8632025-03-11T16:59:59-07:00

Case 862


I’ve been married for eighteen years. I got married because I got pregnant when I was twenty-five years old. During the first four years, my husband would go out partying on weekends and come home late and drunk. He has been very irresponsible with our finances. He’s rude, he uses swear words when he speaks [...]

Case 8622025-03-11T16:54:23-07:00

Case 861


My husband is a very hardworking man. Over the years, he has managed to build his own business and acquire several beautiful properties. I married him for love, but I feel very hurt because we signed a prenuptial agreement in which I renounced all my rights as a wife. He has a five-year-old daughter from [...]

Case 8612025-02-25T21:27:03-07:00

Case 860


When I was twenty years old, I would go to church and feel moved by the worship songs, but I was living a life that was not pleasing to God. I started chatting with a married woman at church and, in inappropriate conversations, she sent me a seductive photo.... Even though I asked God for [...]

Case 8602025-02-17T21:41:48-07:00

Case 859


My youngest daughter who is sixteen started having sexual relations with her boyfriend. I had told her to be careful to protect her purity.... But I was able to see messages with her boyfriend on her phone, and found out that she was lying when she would ask for my permission. Instead of doing what [...]

Case 8592025-02-11T11:08:21-07:00

Case 858


I dated a woman for two years and, although we did not get engaged, we were intimate. During that time, I also had sexual relations with prostitutes… but I never told my girlfriend because I knew it would hurt her deeply. Due to the guilt I feel, I decided to end the relationship because I [...]

Case 8582025-02-04T20:40:57-07:00

Case 857


As a Christian, I married an atheist. He is a hardworking and responsible man, and supports me in going to church and having a prayer life, but an issue has come up: he likes heavy metal rock music. Honestly, it has been a shock because I wish he would spend time in prayer with me, [...]

Case 8572025-01-27T22:31:45-07:00

Case 856


When I was six years old, my brother and I were sexually abused by an uncle. At that time some other boys tried to get us to sexually abuse our sister, but we wouldn’t do it. Then, when I was ten and my brother was eight or nine, we fell into the practice of incest [...]

Case 8562025-01-21T20:01:11-07:00

Case 855


About seven years ago, I met a guy at my job. I was single, with a three-year-old son, but he had a partner and a daughter. Over time, he left his partner and daughter and came to live with me. We now have a little boy who is two years old.... I would really like [...]

Case 8552025-01-14T20:38:02-07:00
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