
About Linda Stewart

Linda is the Pastoral Counselor of Hermano Pablo Ministries. She is the daughter of alcoholics (mother, father, and step-father), and decided at a young age that she wanted to provide a very different life for her own future children. Linda and Charles have five children, three of whom are adopted. She has a Master’s Degree in Counseling and has completed post-graduate studies in Marriage and Family Therapy. She has served as a Biblical counselor in both the United States and South America. In addition, she has worked as a teacher in both public and private schools (from kindergarten to high school), and has been a school counselor.

Case 853


I am twenty-nine years old. I had been in a relationship for several months, and we had plans to get married... but my boyfriend confessed that he has already had sexual relations. This is very important to me because I have always kept myself pure, so I decided to end the relationship. How can I [...]

Case 8532024-12-30T19:32:14-07:00

Case 852


My parents brought me up with a knowledge of the Gospel, but I lived a wayward life involved with drugs, alcohol, and illicit sex. Four years ago, I accepted Christ as my Savior, but I have had relapses with those very things. I feel badly and I condemn myself for not maintaining holiness. I have [...]

Case 8522024-12-23T19:29:23-07:00

Case 851


About three years ago, I met a woman and fell in love with her, even though I am married.... I have two children with my wife, and the other woman has three children.... During these three years we have secretly continued our relationship. I tried to end it. I prayed to God every night that [...]

Case 8512024-12-16T19:40:40-07:00

Case 850


My father tried to abuse me sexually, but God saved me from his clutches. That eventually led me to develop a spiritual relationship with my Heavenly Father, who is a true father to me. Even so, I have tried to keep the commandment to honor your parents, but in my case I see it as [...]

Case 8502024-12-10T19:20:45-07:00

Case 849


My wife and I are in the process of overcoming an infidelity that I committed with a coworker.... When it came time to choose between the two, I chose my wife, and the other woman, out of spite, sent her incriminating photos and audio messages. We were married in a civil ceremony and have a [...]

Case 8492024-12-04T10:48:20-07:00

Case 848


About six years ago I met a woman... and I ended up getting her pregnant.... From that time on, my life has been a nightmare.... I don’t know what to do. I think that leaving her is my best option. My daughter is now five years old, and it hurts to think of abandoning her, [...]

Case 8482024-12-01T17:04:42-07:00

Case 847


I am separated from the father of my fifteen-year-old daughter, but now I am finding it difficult to get her to want to go to see him when it’s his time for visits with her little brother. She tells me that her father blames her for things that happen to him with his current partner, [...]

Case 8472024-11-23T20:37:34-07:00

Case 846


I have lived my whole life in a family environment marked by verbal and physical violence, which has made me hesitant to start my own family.... I remember that, when I was four years old, my mother would hit me, and those punishments left deep wounds that have led me to develop certain non-chemical addictions [...]

Case 8462024-11-12T02:23:29-07:00

Case 845


I am a teenager, and I want my future to be successful, so I’ve started playing soccer to see if I can achieve something great in the sport. I lack experience and training, but I want to stand out... and I’m afraid that God will say “no” to me.... Dear Friend, We congratulate you for [...]

Case 8452024-11-12T02:18:52-07:00

Case 844


I feel terrible and incredibly guilty. I would like to kill myself.... For some reason that I don’t understand, I started feeling attracted to my cousin. One night we were together, and I touched her in ways I shouldn’t have, but I stopped myself and we didn’t go further. Later, during a family outing, I [...]

Case 8442024-10-28T18:04:31-07:00
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