
About Linda Stewart

Linda is the Pastoral Counselor of Hermano Pablo Ministries. She is the daughter of alcoholics (mother, father, and step-father), and decided at a young age that she wanted to provide a very different life for her own future children. Linda and Charles have five children, three of whom are adopted. She has a Master’s Degree in Counseling and has completed post-graduate studies in Marriage and Family Therapy. She has served as a Biblical counselor in both the United States and South America. In addition, she has worked as a teacher in both public and private schools (from kindergarten to high school), and has been a school counselor.

Case 502


My partner hits me all the time for no reason. Yesterday he slapped me because I was at my friend’s house. He is embarrassed of me in front of other people, and he even had a relationship with another woman for a while. I don’t have any relative to confide in, and my mother died. [...]

Case 5022023-06-08T16:32:50-07:00

Case 501


I fear what life has to offer. I see my parents get up each morning at five and return home each night at eight.... I see them worn out almost always and with no time for anything. That’s what I’m afraid of: having to live that kind of life. Every day when I wake up [...]

Case 5012024-04-09T21:05:45-07:00

Case 500


I am a twenty-five-year-old woman. Ever since I was a little girl, my parents brought me up in an atmosphere of lies.... Five and a half years ago I began a relationship with a guy... but he eventually broke it off because I lied to him... and I am very sorry for my attitude. Will [...]

Case 5002024-04-09T21:06:40-07:00

Case 499


I work in the maintenance of vehicles for a non-profit organization. I’ve been doing this for seven years, but recently I’ve felt powerless when the vehicles are authorized for use by people who damage them. When I don’t give authorization, these people go to my superior to get permission to use them. I have thought [...]

Case 4992024-04-10T18:47:48-07:00

Case 498


A year ago, my father passed away. He was a good father, though with many weaknesses.... My older brother invited me to go to the cemetery to take flowers to his gravesite, but my mother and younger sister do not think that we should do that. They interpret it as revering the dead. Would it [...]

Case 4982024-04-10T18:49:07-07:00

Case 497


I am twenty-five, and am in a relationship with a twenty-three-year-old man.... We love each other and have plans to get married; but I feel like it’s not yet time to do so, because we have always had problems in our relationship. He gets upset about things that I think are insignificant. For example, he [...]

Case 4972024-04-10T18:50:04-07:00

Case 496


I met a girl two years ago, and we started to date.... Now that we have plans to get married, she says that each of us should go to the church of our own religion and practice what we learn, respecting the beliefs of the other.... She feels like I don’t respect her beliefs and [...]

Case 4962024-04-10T18:50:51-07:00

Case 495


From our childhood on, my sister and I shared everything. She was a little older than I am, and was like a mother to me. Nevertheless, as a brainless traitor, I misspent her hard-earned money on a lost property.... Then, when she needed to get over an illness, I couldn’t help her. I caused her [...]

Case 4952023-06-08T15:58:37-07:00

Case 494


I am a thirty-seven-year-old woman. I have been living with my boyfriend for three months. At first, everything was working out; but since then I have faced reality, and it seems like he has two personalities. When he’s angry, he yells at me, insults me, and humiliates me. It feels like he doesn’t love me, [...]

Case 4942023-06-08T15:57:17-07:00

Case 493


I have not been able to have a stable relationship. It always ends badly and I end up discouraged. I give it all I’ve got, and then I have a hard time getting back up and starting over again. If it weren’t for God, I would not still be alive, because I know that He [...]

Case 4932023-10-16T20:19:33-07:00
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