
About Linda Stewart

Linda is the Pastoral Counselor of Hermano Pablo Ministries. She is the daughter of alcoholics (mother, father, and step-father), and decided at a young age that she wanted to provide a very different life for her own future children. Linda and Charles have five children, three of whom are adopted. She has a Master’s Degree in Counseling and has completed post-graduate studies in Marriage and Family Therapy. She has served as a Biblical counselor in both the United States and South America. In addition, she has worked as a teacher in both public and private schools (from kindergarten to high school), and has been a school counselor.

Case 52


Ever since I had my daughter, I have felt a lot of anxiety. Sometimes I get up in the morning ready to do a million things, other times I don’t want to do anything; but the worst thing I feel is a lot of fear of what is going on and of dying.... I know [...]

Case 522024-04-12T14:34:49-07:00

Case 51


I have been married for six years and have a five‑year‑old daughter and a two‑year‑old son. Ever since our first year of marriage, my husband has hit me for any reason at all, even once when I was pregnant. We have talked about it many times. He always tells me that he will change, but [...]

Case 512024-04-12T14:35:36-07:00

Case 50


I am twenty‑eight years old and in love with a forty‑five‑year‑old man. My love for him is pure and clean. I know that he loves me too, but I am sure he will never have the nerve to tell me so. He doesn’t know I love him.... He is very respectful... but he is an [...]

Case 502024-04-12T14:37:51-07:00

Case 49


Two years ago I began a relationship with a guy from my school. My parents did not approve of him, but I continued seeing him secretly. In this last year, he has been angry a lot and he takes his anger out on me.... Two and a half months ago, I found out that I [...]

Case 492023-06-08T17:58:04-07:00

Case 48


About four years ago, I finished school and began to work.... Ever since then, I have not been able to control myself with regard to the money I have... because of wanting to have now what I could have obtained with patience (now I realize this when it is too late). I decided to start [...]

Case 482024-04-12T14:39:00-07:00

Case 47


A very good friend of mine died a few days ago.... It was a hard blow for all of her friends because she was very young and seemed so healthy. After her death, I constantly thought about her soul.... I was curious to know where her soul was, and I admit that I wanted to [...]

Case 472024-04-12T14:40:00-07:00

Case 46


I am the daughter of a single mom. When I was three, my mother married a man who is not my father. Now I am married and pregnant. There are problems in my marriage, and my mother says that I will pay tears of blood with my child, the same as she had to do [...]

Case 462024-04-12T14:40:53-07:00

Case 45


One day my wife of six years told me privately that she wanted us to separate. She said she wanted her part of what belonged to us. I gave her everything just as she asked. It didn’t matter to her that taking half of our business would ruin me. I gave it to her anyway. [...]

Case 452024-04-12T14:31:21-07:00

Case 44


I am twenty‑seven years old. I got married when I was sixteen. I have three children, and feel desperate because after eleven years in a happy marriage, I now feel frustrated. My plans were to go to college and get a doctorate. I think I still have time to reach my goal and, even though [...]

Case 442023-06-05T19:34:11-07:00

Case 43


This week we answer two different cases, one written by a woman and the other by a man, both dealing with the same problem. The woman wrote: “How can I be free of lies... or half‑truths? Every time I resolve to tell the truth, I fall back and lie or I have the tendency to [...]

Case 432023-06-05T19:33:02-07:00
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