
About Linda Stewart

Linda is the Pastoral Counselor of Hermano Pablo Ministries. She is the daughter of alcoholics (mother, father, and step-father), and decided at a young age that she wanted to provide a very different life for her own future children. Linda and Charles have five children, three of whom are adopted. She has a Master’s Degree in Counseling and has completed post-graduate studies in Marriage and Family Therapy. She has served as a Biblical counselor in both the United States and South America. In addition, she has worked as a teacher in both public and private schools (from kindergarten to high school), and has been a school counselor.

Case 42


I am a young man who got his girlfriend pregnant, and the two of us decided not to have the baby. She took some pills to abort it. Now we feel condemned, and I don’t have any desire to keep on living. I feel that my life has fallen apart. I don’t have any strength [...]

Case 422024-05-13T21:21:02-07:00

Case 41


I want to ask your advice as to how to solve my problem. I've been living with my partner for four years, but it's been very hard for me to accept how he acts, mostly his bad habit of using vulgar language all the time. It's as if he doesn't realize how much he does [...]

Case 412024-04-12T14:43:25-07:00

Case 40


I have a very big problem. I have had a terrible compulsion for more than fifteen years, and it has just gotten worse. What happens is that I take advantage of certain situations to engage in very shameful practices. I touch women without their consent on buses or in crowds. It is a habit, but [...]

Case 402024-04-12T14:44:32-07:00

Case 39


My wife is super jealous. Every time I get home, she wants a detailed explanation of everything I have done. She checks my cell phone and is always on the lookout for what she might discover. I am at a crossroads. I don’t want to leave her. I love her; but when she acts this [...]

Case 392024-04-12T14:45:27-07:00

Case 38


I need help in making a decision. I have four children... The oldest, who is fifteen years old, is using drugs. He has been suspended from schools several times for fighting, and just now they found drugs on him and have suspended him again. I am desperate and don’t know what to do. I am [...]

Case 382023-06-05T19:30:29-07:00

Case 37


I have a fifteen‑year‑old daughter. Since her last birthday, I have sensed her pulling away from me. She doesn’t confide in me anymore. Some time ago, I made a lot of mistakes. I was with many different men. My daughter knew four of them. I know I was a bad example to her. I believe [...]

Case 372024-04-12T14:46:40-07:00

Case 36


I am a fifteen‑year‑old girl. A while back, a nineteen‑year‑old guy told me he really liked me and asked me to be his girlfriend. I told him I didn’t feel the same way; but he kept on insisting, so I finally let him kiss me. It turned out that he has a son.... Ever since [...]

Case 362024-04-12T14:48:06-07:00

Case 35


A few months ago I traveled to [another country] to work and make money to help my family get ahead. But after only three months... my sister started gossiping that my wife was going out with another man. I called my wife and she began to cry. She swore to God that it wasn’t true [...]

Case 352024-04-12T14:49:21-07:00

Case 34


I am a married woman without children. I am sterile. God has given me a good husband who is responsible, faithful, and loves me very much. I cry a lot and beg God to bless us with a child. I have been through a number of medical procedures, but nothing has worked. I have not [...]

Case 342024-04-12T14:50:07-07:00

Case 33


I am a twelve‑year‑old boy. I have felt very badly ever since my father abandoned us about eight years ago. I am sad to not have him here with me. When I ask my mother why he left us, she says that he went to [another country] to work so he could send us money; [...]

Case 332024-04-12T14:51:05-07:00
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