I am nineteen years old. When I was eighteen I began to work at a business where my parents are shareholders. To all my family I am “the hope to be president of the company” someday, so there are many expectations placed upon me.

But this past year, working, studying at the university, and trying to keep in contact with my friends, I not only failed at work but also in my studies and in my social life…. Many tell me that I am too young to work, and that I am losing my youth…. Others say that work experience is valuable because I won’t be a good professional without it…. But very few have advised me to do what makes me happy, even though I have really lost myself.

I am very confused, and don’t know anymore what I like and what I don’t like. Please help me by giving me some advice. I really trust your judgment.

Dear Friend,

Much of the time there is a good choice and a bad choice when faced with a specific problem. However, in your case there are no solutions that can be thought of as right or wrong. As you have discovered from the advice that you have received, people have different opinions based on their own experiences.

However, it is clear that you cannot continue to do what you have been doing. You have told us your story because all that you have to juggle each day already overwhelms you, and being overwhelmed could cause your normal decision-making processes to be impaired. To make matters worse, you may not be getting enough rest, and that could result in more confusion and less ability to finish tasks.

If you must work to pay for school, then you may need to take fewer classes so you don’t have such a significant amount of studying to do. If you do not need the income from your job in order to stay in school, then maybe you can request a part-time job instead of full time. That way you would have more time for studying.

People who are very ambitious somehow manage to work, study, and take care of their families and personal responsibilities. But when you say that you don’t even know what you like, you reveal that you have not yet found your ambition. Everyone else is trying to make you have ambition for what they want, but there is not yet a specific ambition within yourself. For that reason it is best to reduce the number of hours that you work or the number of hours that you go to school. With a little more time to think, you could discover an ambition within yourself that would drive you toward a specific goal of your choosing.

God cares about your life and your future. Ask Him for wisdom so that you will know what is best for you. Pray that He will give you strength for all you have to do. And invite Him to walk with you each day as you face the future.

We wish you the best,
