
Case 185


I have been working in a fast food restaurant for eight months. Every day I observed my coworkers taking money from the cash register and stealing it without a second thought. For more than five months I avoided that dreadful misconduct, but the temptation was always there. Two months ago I fell into the destructive [...]

Case 1852023-06-08T19:12:15-07:00

Case 170


My relationship with my mother was very weak because she was an alcoholic.... It was so difficult that she eventually decided to move to another country. When she had been there for seven years, she got infected with AIDS and died. That was six years ago. I couldn’t go to help her, to be with [...]

Case 1702024-04-11T20:10:25-07:00

Case 163


Ever since I got married, I have repressed my guilt feelings. Sometimes I’m not sure how to act when I’m with my husband. It seems like my happiness hurts my mom. She always tells me that I made the wrong decision by getting married. She says that she spent her entire life bringing up her [...]

Case 1632023-06-08T18:42:24-07:00

Case 153


Not long ago I became the father of a beautiful baby, even though I am not married to her mother. She is the best woman that I have ever met, but I am the problem, having had a lover from a nightclub at the same time. I feel very dirty and weighted down. I fear [...]

Case 1532024-04-12T12:08:56-07:00

Case 151


A few years ago I was fortunate enough to make a lot of money in an honest manner, but I invested it very badly. I thought the money would never run out, but I was very surprised when suddenly, after being involved in gambling, bad habits and worldly pleasures for only one year, I lost [...]

Case 1512024-04-12T12:10:13-07:00

Case 90


I am twenty‑one and have a two‑and‑a‑half‑month‑old daughter. For the past two years I have been living with my daughter’s father. He has two sons with the woman who is still his wife. He takes care of them financially and visits them once each week. The truth is that I don’t like those boys. I [...]

Case 902023-03-22T21:28:45-07:00

Case 74


[One day] when I was fourteen... we went to my grandmother’s house, and my father left me in charge of taking care of my brother, who was only four years old.... My dad said he would come back and pick us up, but he didn’t because he was tired [and fell asleep at home]. I [...]

Case 742023-06-05T19:37:14-07:00
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