Case of the Week

Case 482


I have a girlfriend, but I feel like she’s only my girlfriend because someone told her that it was the right thing to do.... I feel really badly thinking this, and I don’t know what to do. Besides, she acts very reserved with me, while with her other friends I see her acting happier and smiling. If I hug and [...]

Case 4822023-06-08T16:37:27-07:00

Case 481


A year ago I met a man from another country.... He treats me very well and says nice things to me. In addition to being attentive, he is financially stable. I am married and have two children. My conversations with the man have all been by telephone because of the distance. However, I can tell [...]

Case 4812023-06-08T16:36:51-07:00

Case 480


I have been married almost seven years.... But from the wedding until now, our sexual relationship has been a problem because of a physical condition that my wife has. Even though we have consulted a medical doctor, nothing has been resolved.... The problem is not just that my wife can’t be intimate, but also that [...]

Case 4802023-06-08T16:22:56-07:00

Case 479


I have a daughter who is almost fifteen who has a boyfriend who is almost eighteen years old. I don’t know if it is best to accept him, since she trusted me enough to tell me about it, even though the guy didn’t want her to tell us out of fear that we would not [...]

Case 4792024-04-02T21:23:23-07:00

Case 478


I have a twenty-six-year-old daughter who is in her third year at the university. She wants to marry her boyfriend, who is twenty-five and has already graduated with a bachelor’s degree, but his job is not stable. He says that he will pay for her continued education and everything else that she needs. I say [...]

Case 4782024-04-02T21:23:47-07:00

Case 477


I am a nineteen-year-old girl. I have had a “happy” life with good parents, good siblings, and a family that loves me.... I don’t have anything to complain about.... However, I have always tended to be envious, very resentful, and jealous.... but now that I am nineteen, I would like to change. I don’t want [...]

Case 4772024-04-02T21:24:00-07:00

Case 476


I am in a romantic relationship with a woman who loves me. She is all that I have ever dreamed about, so I love her too. And my family accepts her. However, her family and social circle do not accept me. The problem is that our skin color is different, and they won’t even give [...]

Case 4762024-04-02T21:24:15-07:00

Case 475


I am a twenty-one-year-old woman.... For the past nine months or so I’ve been suffering from anxiety. This condition has been very difficult for me, making me feel uneasy, insecure, and indecisive. Two months ago, as a last resort, I went to the doctor.... I feel bad about that. I believe that it is a [...]

Case 4752024-04-10T18:57:07-07:00

Case 474


I am sixty years old, and my wife is forty-four. Fourteen months ago she was diagnosed with cancer.... It has metastasized and is now in her brain. One month ago, when we were getting ready for bed, while in a state of panic, thinking of death, she confessed that she was unfaithful to me three [...]

Case 4742024-04-10T18:57:57-07:00

Case 473


I am a thirty-three-year-old single woman. I made an agreement with my partner that we would get married at the beginning of next year. However, just a month ago he was in an accident and the doctor said that it is possible he is now sterile, as well as other complications.... Now that he is [...]

Case 4732024-04-10T18:58:49-07:00
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