Case of the Week

Case 101


I work for a business where they trust me. Sometimes I don’t have enough money to meet my needs. I sell parts and, when the customers don’t want a receipt, I make up receipts to show that they gave me less money than they really did, and I keep the rest. I want to change. [...]

Case 1012024-04-12T12:37:40-07:00

Case 100


I am twenty‑seven years old and have been married for six months. The problem is that I haven’t gotten pregnant yet and this has me very worried, for I am not doing anything to prevent me from becoming pregnant and sometimes I think that I will never have a baby. My husband doesn’t reproach me, [...]

Case 1002024-04-12T12:38:14-07:00

Case 99


I have bitterness in my heart toward my stepfather and toward my mother, and this weighs on my conscience. Since I was a child, I grew up believing that my mother paid more attention, and gave more care and love, to my stepfather than to my sister and me. I truly believe that she neglected [...]

Case 992024-04-12T13:58:31-07:00

Case 98


I am the mother of two [young] children.... I am an alcoholic. My mother has drunk alcoholic beverages all of her life.... I have never made a home with anyone, not even the father of my children. I don’t want commitments with anyone — only with my mother and my children. The problem is that [...]

Case 982023-03-22T21:32:25-07:00

Case 97


I have been married for three years and have a son who will soon be one.... Before we had him, my plan was always to stay home with him full time, but unfortunately it hasn’t worked out that way. I work eight hours a day and then am with my baby three and a half [...]

Case 972023-03-22T21:32:04-07:00

Case 96


I am a thirty‑three‑year‑old woman, separated for the past year, with three small children. A while back, a man came into my life that I had known before I was married.... He showered me with words of love and flattery... and I ended up having sexual relations with him. I feel very badly: I [...]

Case 962024-05-13T21:26:18-07:00

Case 95


A few years ago, I met a woman with four children. Today she has two more that are mine. The truth is that because she was older, I began to be spiteful toward her and I did everything I could to get her out of my life. I almost destroyed her life... so badly that [...]

Case 952023-03-22T21:31:10-07:00

Case 94


I am twenty‑two years old and have been married for five months.... When my husband and I were dating, he had a romantic relationship with another girl that he never told me about.... A few weeks ago, I made him confess whether or not there really had been something between them.... He told me the [...]

Case 942024-04-12T14:00:38-07:00

Case 93


I don’t know what love is. I don’t love anyone, and instead I try to hurt the people who love me the most: my wife and my daughter. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I do things I shouldn’t and, every time I decide to turn to God, I feel condemned and guilty. That [...]

Case 932024-05-13T21:22:43-07:00

Case 92


I became a widower in 2008, but it’s all right to marry again, isn’t it? I have two children who are twenty‑three and nineteen years old. Do I need to ask their permission or not? They are both involved in advanced studies.... I don’t know how they would react. I am at that crossroads. Dear [...]

Case 922024-04-12T14:01:32-07:00
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