Case of the Week

Case 97


I have been married for three years and have a son who will soon be one.... Before we had him, my plan was always to stay home with him full time, but unfortunately it hasn’t worked out that way. I work eight hours a day and then am with my baby three and a half [...]

Case 972023-03-22T21:32:04-07:00

Case 96


I am a thirty‑three‑year‑old woman, separated for the past year, with three small children. A while back, a man came into my life that I had known before I was married.... He showered me with words of love and flattery... and I ended up having sexual relations with him. I feel very badly: I [...]

Case 962024-05-13T21:26:18-07:00

Case 95


A few years ago, I met a woman with four children. Today she has two more that are mine. The truth is that because she was older, I began to be spiteful toward her and I did everything I could to get her out of my life. I almost destroyed her life... so badly that [...]

Case 952023-03-22T21:31:10-07:00

Case 94


I am twenty‑two years old and have been married for five months.... When my husband and I were dating, he had a romantic relationship with another girl that he never told me about.... A few weeks ago, I made him confess whether or not there really had been something between them.... He told me the [...]

Case 942024-04-12T14:00:38-07:00

Case 93


I don’t know what love is. I don’t love anyone, and instead I try to hurt the people who love me the most: my wife and my daughter. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I do things I shouldn’t and, every time I decide to turn to God, I feel condemned and guilty. That [...]

Case 932024-05-13T21:22:43-07:00

Case 92


I became a widower in 2008, but it’s all right to marry again, isn’t it? I have two children who are twenty‑three and nineteen years old. Do I need to ask their permission or not? They are both involved in advanced studies.... I don’t know how they would react. I am at that crossroads. Dear [...]

Case 922024-04-12T14:01:32-07:00

Case 91


My wife told me that our neighbor, who is doing her internship in psychology, gave our eleven‑year‑old son some psychological tests which determined that he is depressed, and that he even told her that it would be better if he killed himself. My wife has mental illness in her background, and... I realize that I [...]

Case 912023-10-16T20:26:27-07:00

Case 90


I am twenty‑one and have a two‑and‑a‑half‑month‑old daughter. For the past two years I have been living with my daughter’s father. He has two sons with the woman who is still his wife. He takes care of them financially and visits them once each week. The truth is that I don’t like those boys. I [...]

Case 902023-03-22T21:28:45-07:00

Case 89


I am very worried because one of my girlfriends told me that she thought she was pregnant. Our relationship was over in a few days, and now I can’t get that out of my mind. I don’t know what to do. Should I look for her to confirm whether or not it is true or [...]

Case 892023-03-22T21:28:11-07:00

Case 88


I did a favor for a poor family. I loaned them some money. They called me to say that they were going to pay me back, but what I got was six gunshots in the face. Now, what I want most is justice, but something stops me in spite of how mad I feel. The [...]

Case 882024-04-12T14:04:45-07:00
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