Case of the Week

Case 71


I have been married to an alcoholic for eight years.... A while back I met a man my own age on the Internet, and I thought I was madly in love with him. He took advantage of the situation and asked me for money, and on many occasions I gave him what he wanted. But [...]

Case 712024-04-12T14:16:33-07:00

Case 70


I have a thirty-year-old daughter who was widowed and left alone with two daughters. After her husband passed away, her father and I asked her to move into our house... because we wanted to help her out. Four years have passed, and my daughter is still living at home with us. Although she is no [...]

Case 702024-04-12T14:17:21-07:00

Case 69


I am a thirty‑six‑year‑old single woman with no children.... I am extremely timid and insecure. It embarrasses me to speak to others and, when I do, I think they are going to laugh at me. I have tried to be more self‑confident and to not be distrusting of others, but I can’t. At times I [...]

Case 692024-04-12T14:18:37-07:00

Case 68


I have a six‑year‑old niece who doesn’t like to stay at home with her parents and hates to sleep there. The girl’s father is my brother, who is three years older than I am, and the truth is that he harassed me sexually from the time that I was a very young child until just [...]

Case 682024-04-12T14:19:30-07:00

Case 67


My wife has pancreatic cancer for the second time, and I am desperate.... There are moments when I get depressed from seeing her suffering, and at times I have said that God doesn’t love us and doesn’t listen to us anymore.... At times I feel that I can’t go on, but there is something inside [...]

Case 672024-04-12T14:20:28-07:00

Case 66


I am trying to decide whether or not I should marry my boyfriend. I love him with all my heart, but he’s so thrifty that it’s not in his nature to give me gifts. I always have to ask him for things, and only then do I get anything.... I’m tired of wondering if this [...]

Case 662024-04-12T14:21:27-07:00

Case 65


I served a year as the chairman of the board of an organization given to mismanagement and potential fraud. So I proposed management guidelines that were accepted, but with resistance. My fellow board members were afraid to support me when I strongly pushed for the steps that needed to be taken, even though the majority [...]

Case 652024-04-12T14:22:06-07:00

Case 64


I met my current partner on the Internet. She has given me reason to believe she is a good person, but I feel that she is not always completely honest with me and that she may have another private life on the web.... I can’t bring up the subject with her without getting into an [...]

Case 642024-04-12T14:22:52-07:00

Case 63


I am a forty‑two‑year‑old nonmarital son. My father is still alive. I love him very much. He has always kept up with me and my mother, but he has never introduced me to his family.... I believe that I should respect his decision to keep my existence a secret.... He is now very old, so [...]

Case 632024-04-12T14:23:50-07:00

Case 62


I like to be sincere. I know that lying is one of those sins that God doesn’t like, but every time someone asks my opinion, my answer is not what they expected. This happens a lot with my girlfriend.... It makes her start an argument and then start crying, claiming that I mistreat her and [...]

Case 622024-04-12T14:25:11-07:00
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