
About Linda Stewart

Linda is the Pastoral Counselor of Hermano Pablo Ministries. She is the daughter of alcoholics (mother, father, and step-father), and decided at a young age that she wanted to provide a very different life for her own future children. Linda and Charles have five children, three of whom are adopted. She has a Master’s Degree in Counseling and has completed post-graduate studies in Marriage and Family Therapy. She has served as a Biblical counselor in both the United States and South America. In addition, she has worked as a teacher in both public and private schools (from kindergarten to high school), and has been a school counselor.

Case 833


My husband and I have been married for ten years. We have two children, and during all this time, he has verbally abused me. At first, I kept quiet. I believed that, by staying silent, he would change.... But I’ve come to have suicidal thoughts, and feel anxiety and desperation.... I’ve even felt that I [...]

Case 8332024-08-13T18:40:51-07:00

Case 832


My niece and I grew up together, and I think of her as a sister. We still live in the same home. Lately I have felt that she is annoyed and resentful towards me. A few days ago, I went to apologize to her in case I had offended or hurt her in any way. [...]

Case 8322024-07-30T19:52:26-07:00

Case 831


My thirty-six-year-old son was admitted to the police academy, and asked my other children not to tell me, but I found out through my granddaughters.... Today was his graduation, and he wanted me to tell him why I never ask him anything about his work. I answered that I didn’t know he was in the [...]

Case 8312024-07-28T19:29:52-07:00

Case 830


When I was in kindergarten, one day a little girl in my class didn’t make it to the bathroom in time and wet her clothes. She started crying and I laughed and made fun of her... I was extremely cruel to her. Now... I’m an adult college graduate. When I think about what I did [...]

Case 8302024-07-15T21:14:35-07:00

Case 829


During my childhood, I suffered serious physical abuse from my mother. Several times I went to the hospital with severe injuries.... When my father abandoned us... my mother, in an act of desperation, asked me to take some pills to pretend that I wanted to commit suicide.... I was only eleven years old, so out [...]

Case 8292024-07-09T21:50:59-07:00

Case 828


Three years ago I lost a friend to suicide. She had fought for years with depression, cutting, and a diagnosis of borderline personality disorder.... I always [told her that the only One who could help her was God, and that He sent His Son Jesus Christ to bring salvation to her]. She never stopped me [...]

Case 8282024-07-01T22:05:58-07:00

Case 827


I find myself at a crossroads, unable to make the decision of who will be my wife. Right now there are two girls in my life, one an ex-girlfriend, and the other one a young woman that I met recently. There are two things about my ex that I don’t like: first, I don’t think [...]

Case 8272024-06-25T21:07:11-07:00

Case 826


When I was twenty-seven years old, I met the girl who is now my girlfriend and my future wife. But there’s something about me that she doesn’t know. At work I met a girl, and we ended up going too far sexually several times, until I realized that what we were doing was wrong.... I [...]

Case 8262024-03-19T19:31:35-07:00

Case 825


I am twenty-six years old, and for two years I have been in a secret romantic relationship with a man who is eleven years older than I am. My mother... in her effort to protect me, won’t allow me to make my own decisions.... She doesn’t accept that I want to be independent and have [...]

Case 8252024-03-12T20:17:44-07:00

Case 824


I am twenty-four years old. About two and a half years ago I began to follow Christ, but I have not been able to stop sinning. I feel very sad because I no longer want to be an inconsistent person. I feel depressed, and I don’t know what to do because every time I sin [...]

Case 8242024-03-04T22:21:16-07:00
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