A few days ago I received death threats against my family and me, personally…. I was filled with doubts, fears, and mostly confusion, because I don’t go to church and I have completely neglected any relationship with God…. I am very confused with respect to religion. People of all religions believe that they are right, but always end up speaking badly of each other, completely forgetting the teachings of the Bible.
Dear Friend,
We are very sorry to hear that your life may be in danger, along with the lives of your family members. We hope that you have spoken to the police about these threats and are taking precautions to ensure your safety.
Let’s begin with the last thing you tell us. You say that people of all religions end up forgetting the teachings of the Bible. You are correct in acknowledging that the Bible is the highest authority, for it is the Word of God, and that a religion should be judged by how closely it is aligned with the teachings of the Bible.
However, one of the most important principles of the Bible is that religion cannot save anyone. Religions are the invention of men, not God. When Jesus, the Son of God, walked on the earth, He had the most problems with the religious people, for they acted like their rules were more important than a personal relationship with God.
The Bible teaches that while men think rules and regulations are important (the outward appearance), God cares about what is in the heart of the person.(1) So following every rule, or strictly following a diet or a schedule, or even giving money, does not necessarily mean that a person has a close relationship with God. That is why many religious people do things that are very contrary to the teachings of the Bible; they don’t really know God at all, and they certainly don’t have a daily personal relationship with Him.
To really know God, it is necessary to believe that Jesus died to pay for your sins so that you don’t have to be condemned for eternity. But it is not enough to just believe in what Jesus did; you must also communicate with God through prayer, ask Him to forgive your sins, and ask Him to give you the peace in your heart that you are searching for. Talk to God in the same way that you speak to your friends; you don’t need memorized prayers or eloquent words. And you don’t need anyone to help you pray, nor do you need to go to a special place to pray. God is everywhere. He will hear and answer.
After you have prayed, you will want to read the Bible to hear what God wants to say to you. And then you can pray in your own words to tell Him all about your fears, doubts, and confusion. As you communicate with Him, through reading the Bible and praying, you will develop a personal relationship that is far better than any religion.
We wish you well,
1 1S 16:7