Case of the Week

Case 452


I am almost thirty-five years old. I am currently living with my mother because I haven’t been able to find a job. My mother suffers from depression.... For as long as I can remember, she has never supported me in anything.... When I look for a job and an opportunity presents itself, she always makes [...]

Case 4522023-06-08T16:09:09-07:00

Case 451


The side mirror of my car on the passenger side hit the side mirror of a parked car, but I kept on driving because I didn’t think that any real damage had been done. When I got to work I looked at my mirror and saw that there were shards of glass and a scratch [...]

Case 4512024-04-10T19:07:06-07:00

Case 450


A year ago I fell in love with a man who is forty-two years older than I am. He is sixty-three, and I am twenty-one. He says that he loves me very much, but he doesn’t talk to me about any plans for the future.... I have not had intimate relations with him because I [...]

Case 4502023-06-08T16:07:54-07:00

Case 449


This year has been very difficult for me. I am doing poorly in school and I have problems with depression and bipolar disorder.... I am twelve years old and have too much pain for my age. I have tried to kill myself many times because I am a disappointment to all my family, my friends, [...]

Case 4492023-10-16T20:33:41-07:00

Case 448


My question is whether I should make a legal claim against my father so that he will have to pay for my studies. According to the law, if a child lives separately from his father, he can make a legal claim for payment of schooling until the child is a certain age. I feel badly [...]

Case 4482023-06-08T16:06:05-07:00

Case 447


I was very young when I got married, and my marriage has not been what I had expected due to lack of attention, a lot of arguments, blaming, and violence. So I began a simultaneous relationship that I started with meetings just to talk, in which I felt I was having my needs met by [...]

Case 4472023-06-08T16:04:00-07:00

Case 446


After fifteen years, I have begun to see my ex-girlfriend again. We are now both married. For the last three years she has been going to my mother’s house and taking gifts.... A year ago we saw each other in church. We greeted one another, and I met her husband and son.... Last month she [...]

Case 4462023-06-08T16:01:33-07:00

Case 445


I am a single mother who will be forty in a few months. My son is ten and is a great kid. But even though I enjoy his company very much, every day I feel lonely and unhappy for not having a house and a home for him. I would have liked to do things [...]

Case 4452024-04-10T19:08:21-07:00

Case 444


I want to know why God won’t answer me. For over a month I’ve been suffering from stomach pain and gastrointestinal distress. I was so miserable that I called the pastor to pray for me. That same day I decided to give my heart to God. I thought that everything would get better. I did [...]

Case 4442024-04-10T19:09:12-07:00

Case 443


Many years ago my parents were murdered.... The scene continues to pass through my mind, and I ask God to help me forget those memories. My grandmother, an aunt, and some other relatives helped my sister and me to move on. Now we are professional women with great ambitions. However, it’s very hard for me [...]

Case 4432024-05-13T21:55:00-07:00
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