Case of the Week

Case 252


I urgently need help! I filed for divorce from my husband... because of sexual abuse, infidelity, violation of human dignity, abuse, cruelty, lies, abandonment, and other reasons. A year and a half ago I moved in with my parents along with my three sons who are fifteen, seventeen, and nineteen years of age due to [...]

Case 2522024-04-10T22:29:58-07:00

Case 251


My case is full of mistakes that tend to get worse and worse. A year ago I found out that I was going to be a father.... But before my girlfriend gave me the news, we had a big fight and were separated for five months.... Because I was distraught, I found another woman to [...]

Case 2512024-04-10T22:31:13-07:00

Case 250


I am thirty-five years old and single. I met a man who was recently separated from his wife. According to him, he was treated badly in the marriage... but the week that I met him, I overheard him asking another girl for her phone number. He asked me to forgive him, but not long afterward [...]

Case 2502024-04-10T22:32:04-07:00

Case 249


I slit my wrists and took pills. I did it in front of my husband, and was hospitalized.... After getting out, I became severely depressed, blaming myself and believing that God was going to punish me by striking me dead for real and sending me to hell. Since then, not a day goes by [...]

Case 2492024-05-13T21:33:33-07:00

Case 248


More than four years ago I broke up with a girlfriend.... She became sick with jealousy, and hounded me and wouldn’t leave me alone. So I mustered the courage to end the relationship.... A year later I made friends with a girl... and before long she became my girlfriend. My relationship with her is unique [...]

Case 2482024-04-10T22:34:24-07:00

Case 247


I was abused when I was five years old. Growing up with alcoholic parents was a living hell. Now I am happily married.... However, my parents are still alcoholics. Now they are raising my younger sister’s daughters because she is a drug addict.... When I went to visit them today, I found my mother [...]

Case 2472024-05-13T22:06:10-07:00

Case 246


I am twenty-four years old and have a Bachelor’s degree in public accounting. I have been going with my boyfriend for almost a year. He is doing his internship in medicine. I love him much more than I could have imagined. My problem is that he is arrogant and says things for shock value. He [...]

Case 2462024-04-02T21:44:09-07:00

Case 245


I got married without loving my wife. We have been married for two years. When we were dating, her companionship and friendship seemed to be sufficient for me to come to love her some day; but it hasn’t happened that way. I live frustrated because I didn’t have the courage to back out of getting [...]

Case 2452024-04-02T21:44:15-07:00

Case 244


I am a twenty-six year-old woman, and the only time that I saw my biological father was when I was six or seven years old. My mother and my maternal grandparents raised me. I suffered a lot over not having a father in my life.... He went to another country after the last and only [...]

Case 2442024-04-02T21:44:21-07:00

Case 243


I was married for two years. From the beginning of my marriage, my husband was very violent. He would hit me because of jealousy that was unwarranted.... One day he hit me and left. The same thing happened over and over again. It was a revolving door. When he would get angry, he would leave. [...]

Case 2432024-04-11T19:13:56-07:00
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