Case of the Week

Case 226


I have a nineteen-year-old son who smokes pot. When I found out, I worried about it a lot and thought that I could solve the problem myself by talking to him about it. However, my son has continued smoking marijuana, and has become very violent. I haven’t been able to get him to give it [...]

Case 2262024-04-02T22:18:53-07:00

Case 225


I am a twenty-four-year-old woman. My two brothers sexually abused me when they were thirteen and fourteen years old and I was between six and seven years old. I feel guilty because they would give me some money or a piece of candy and I never told on them. Please help me know if I [...]

Case 2252024-04-02T22:19:01-07:00

Case 224


My parents got divorced when I was young, and each of them began a new life. But my mother became very materialistic and authoritarian with her children, to the extent that if we don’t give her money or work to take care of her, she gets angry with us and treats us with contempt. It [...]

Case 2242024-04-11T19:22:25-07:00

Case 223


I am twenty-five years old and have a relationship with a girl who is twenty-one. She loves me and I know it, but she’s not good at showing it. She does things that make me very uncomfortable and, when I mention it, I’m always the bad guy. She’s too proud to admit it and expects [...]

Case 2232024-04-11T19:23:20-07:00

Case 222


I have a serious problem handling cash. Since I was a young child, I have always worked. As a result, I have had several economic problems and, on one occasion, at one of my jobs they discovered that I had taken some money. By the grace of God, I didn’t end up in jail; but [...]

Case 2222024-04-11T19:24:32-07:00

Case 221


I am writing this message because I am very sad. My husband won’t speak to me because, without consulting with him, I co-signed a loan for my brother-in-law. I know that I should have consulted with my husband, but my sister asked me the favor because they need the money. I know that I did [...]

Case 2212024-04-11T19:25:42-07:00

Case 220


Two months have gone by, and I can’t find work. I have a one-year-old daughter and my wife. I feel frustrated, worried, and my wife has even said that I am a failure. I have been offered the opportunity to go illegally in search of the American Dream and leave my family. I feel so [...]

Case 2202024-04-11T19:27:32-07:00

Case 219


After twenty years of marriage, I got divorced as a result of the physical and psychological abuse. Consequently... I moved away with my fifteen-year-old son.... Then I fell in love with another man, but my son and my new partner have not gotten along and that has caused countless problems. My son decided to go [...]

Case 2192024-04-11T19:28:59-07:00

Case 218


I left my country to study, but because I was so lonely, I had sex with a girl from the country I’m living in and she became pregnant. For fear of her family and of not knowing the laws of this country, I agreed, “without feeling it,” to marry her because I felt her [...]

Case 2182024-05-13T22:04:02-07:00

Case 217


My daughter is fourteen and very intelligent. She does well in school, but has told me that she thinks she is in love with a young man. It scares me to let her have a boyfriend when she is still so young. It could cut short her studies. Besides, for me dating is a step [...]

Case 2172024-04-11T19:33:03-07:00
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