
Case 852


My parents brought me up with a knowledge of the Gospel, but I lived a wayward life involved with drugs, alcohol, and illicit sex. Four years ago, I accepted Christ as my Savior, but I have had relapses with those very things. I feel badly and I condemn myself for not maintaining holiness. I have [...]

Case 8522024-12-23T19:29:23-07:00

Case 826


When I was twenty-seven years old, I met the girl who is now my girlfriend and my future wife. But there’s something about me that she doesn’t know. At work I met a girl, and we ended up going too far sexually several times, until I realized that what we were doing was wrong.... I [...]

Case 8262024-03-19T19:31:35-07:00

Case 824


I am twenty-four years old. About two and a half years ago I began to follow Christ, but I have not been able to stop sinning. I feel very sad because I no longer want to be an inconsistent person. I feel depressed, and I don’t know what to do because every time I sin [...]

Case 8242024-03-04T22:21:16-07:00

Case 810


I met a man... and over the next days and months a relationship developed.... One day he confessed to me that he was in the process of getting a divorce. He said that he loved me, but that he needed some time. As the days passed, everything changed. I started having mental and psychological struggles. [...]

Case 8102024-01-22T12:04:49-07:00

Case 767


For the past three years I have been in a relationship with an extraordinary woman that I intend to marry. Recently I went with some friends to an erotic club.... A girl who worked there offered me a private dance that involves touching her, and I did it.... But I did not have sexual relations [...]

Case 7672023-01-24T21:24:57-07:00

Case 677


I am a married man, and I feel very guilty before God because I failed Him. I committed adultery, and it caused a pregnancy; but we decided that the child would never be born. I would like for you to tell me how I can get God’s forgiveness for having sinned, knowing the truth, and [...]

Case 6772023-02-14T21:01:22-07:00

Case 664


My wife and I have been separated for two years. We have a two and a half-year-old daughter. It hurts when I visit my daughter and have to leave her again to return to my own home. I have wanted God to change my heart and help me not to feel resentment and unforgiveness. But [...]

Case 6642024-04-08T21:43:58-07:00

Case 628


I never got along well with my wife because of her bad temper and mine, which is just as bad. We argued a lot. I made the mistake of complaining about my wife to my son from the time he was about ten years old. I said bad things about her, and he just listened, [...]

Case 6282024-04-09T20:00:24-07:00

Case 594


I was brought up in a Christian home, but I can’t remember if I ever accepted Christ in my heart when I was young.... At the time I didn’t feel genuine repentance in my heart, I didn’t fear God, I had a bad attitude about going to church, and I was rebellious and proud.... I [...]

Case 5942023-02-14T21:33:21-07:00

Case 591


I fought in the civil war that unfortunately took place in my country.... When I returned home, I began to live a wild life of drunkenness, womanizing, and gambling, which caused problems in my marriage and suffering for my family.... For years I have believed that Jesus Christ is offering me the opportunity to change [...]

Case 5912023-02-14T22:05:25-07:00
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