


Case 813

December 19th, 2023|Comments Off on Case 813

For the past four months my girlfriend has been unfaithful. We’ve been [...]

Case 812

December 5th, 2023|Comments Off on Case 812

I have been married for forty-four years. But ever since my father [...]

Case 811

December 4th, 2023|Comments Off on Case 811

Some time back I prayed that God would help me not to [...]

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Case 798

Two months ago my thirteen-year-old daughter revealed to my sister-in-law that my husband (her stepfather) had been sexually abusing her. [...]

Case 797

My ex-wife and I have a daughter together. I had to get a divorce from her because she physically and [...]

Case 796

I have difficulty communicating with the man that I love. Every time I try to tell him something important, he [...]

Case 795

My mother is elderly and needs special care. My sisters and I have tried to shoulder this responsibility together, but [...]

Case 794

I have a girlfriend who attends the same church that I do. I feel like I love her a lot.... [...]

Case 793

I met a woman who is separated from her husband, but whose marriage has not yet been annulled in spite [...]

Love is a fruit in season at all times, and within reach of every hand. It is the greatest gift anyone can give.

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