
Case 397


My husband and I have been married for three years, and he is the one who manages our household finances. I work, and have to give him the money that I earn, and if I need something, I have to ask him for it and tell him why I need it.... I’d like to sometimes [...]

Case 3972024-04-10T20:01:50-07:00

Case 378


I have been in a relationship with my boyfriend for five years. We have economic difficulties that prevent us from getting married. I can’t help feeling envy, desperation, and sadness in my heart every time someone else announces their upcoming marriage. I just try to hide my feelings and attend the wedding even though I [...]

Case 3782024-04-10T20:19:21-07:00

Case 376


My husband abandoned me while I was pregnant, leaving me with all the household debt.... My baby was born and, when I brought her home, her father voluntarily paid for some of the expenses. However, six months ago he stopped visiting our daughter and stopped contributing financially for her needs. I have tried to get [...]

Case 3762024-04-10T20:22:34-07:00

Case 359


My friend’s husband asked my husband to borrow some money, assuring him that he would pay it back as soon as possible. Months have passed and, in the meetings that we have all attended, my friend’s husband has never said anything to him about the loan. One day my husband sent him a message asking [...]

Case 3592024-04-10T20:41:31-07:00

Case 342


I am in a relationship with a woman who already has two children with a former boyfriend. I too have three daughters from my previous relationship. We want to get married and buy a house where only the two of us would live. The house where my daughters live belongs to their mother, and my [...]

Case 3422024-04-10T20:59:55-07:00

Case 318


My case is about my finances.... Because I paid a debt on time, I was given a credit card. After that, other institutions offered me credit cards. The problem is that today I have six cards, and all of them are past due. And that’s not all: I have other debts, and now I am [...]

Case 3182024-04-10T21:20:32-07:00

Case 277


I work at a government institution... and through hard work I have been able to get ahead to the point of becoming the supervisor of a department. My wife... has told me that I should resign this position and go back to being a clerk, since I’ve had to work on some occasions until late [...]

Case 2772024-04-10T22:08:45-07:00

Case 276


My girlfriend and I intend to get married, but she asks me where we are going to live, and tells me that my salary isn’t enough, because she would like to have an apartment and a car. I tell her that we can have all we want if we both fight for it. And she [...]

Case 2762024-04-10T22:09:32-07:00

Case 274


My mom has been a widow for the past twenty-five years. She has three daughters, including me. I helped her economically even before she was widowed, although I can no longer work because of a chronic disease.... A few days ago my husband lost his job... and now I can’t offer my mother any monetary [...]

Case 2742024-04-02T21:39:14-07:00

Case 242


I met a neighbor and allowed her to use my name various times to borrow money.... The issue is that she has defaulted and made me look bad. Neither she nor her husband nor her daughter will speak to me anymore, and I am left holding the bag with the moneylender. It has turned into [...]

Case 2422024-04-11T19:15:16-07:00
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