Case of the Week

Case 755


Three years ago my only child was born.... Everything was great until my daughter’s mother decided to live in another country, claiming that nothing would change in terms of my relationship with my daughter.   After a few months the problems began. She was always too busy to allow me to communicate with my daughter.... [...]

Case 7552022-11-09T15:51:08-07:00

Case 754


A few months ago my elder daughter, who is twenty-five... told me that she was moving out to live on her own. Later I found out that she had a boyfriend and had been sleeping at his house. That broke my heart into pieces, and I didn’t see her or talk to her for several [...]

Case 7542023-02-14T20:45:58-07:00

Case 753


I had an excellent relationship with God. Every day I would pray when I got up in the morning and again before I went to bed. But as time went by, everything changed because I moved to the city on account of work. From that moment on I left the church.... My life has gone [...]

Case 7532024-05-13T21:43:40-07:00

Case 752


I had a daughter with a man who is a member of another church that I daresay is a cult. Before long I came to understand the magnitude of the consequences....   We still don’t live together. He insists that we should establish a home together and find a balance in our religions.... I often [...]

Case 7522023-02-14T20:46:20-07:00

Case 751


I am thirty-five and my daughter is eleven. Her mother and I broke up when she was three years old.... I have concentrated on my daughter and the conflicts after separating from her mother, so I have never gotten into a new relationship. But my daughter is beginning adolescence now, and she doesn’t want to [...]

Case 7512023-10-16T20:23:56-07:00

Case 750


I joined a social media site so that I could meet friends. There I saw the profile of a man that looked like a good person.   He invited me to the beach on the weekend.... We listened to a concert for a couple of hours.... At nightfall, we went to where he had parked [...]

Case 7502023-02-14T20:46:50-07:00

Case 749


I was unfaithful to my wife, and she found out.... We are no longer together as a couple... but we still live in the same house along with our children. I can’t stand her anymore, because she makes insinuations and often reminds me about my wrongdoing. It gets to me and drives me up a [...]

Case 7492023-02-14T20:46:57-07:00

Case 748


I have a job with a great salary and benefits.... Furthermore, it is related to my college career. The problem is that the other employees have bad habits, use curse words and gossip about their coworkers.... My boss is a woman who treats me very badly because I don’t act like everyone else. She screams [...]

Case 7482023-02-14T20:47:04-07:00

Case 747


I have a question. I would like to be happily married and have a family that honors God. But how am I going to be able to identify the person that God has for me? How am I going to know if I’m about to make a bad decision? I believe that God has a [...]

Case 7472023-02-14T22:33:24-07:00

Case 746


I am an unmarried student.... Unfortunately, during my adolescence I fell into the vice of pornography and masturbation....   I began to attend a church. I thought it would be easy to leave my habit behind. I’ve tried to stop my addiction, but it keeps coming back. The guilt and shame torment me.... I was [...]

Case 7462023-02-14T20:47:18-07:00
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