Case of the Week

Case 622


Not long ago I found out that my boyfriend was about to become a father.... He admitted that it was true, but said that he no longer has any relationship with the baby’s mother.... Now the baby has been born and my boyfriend legally acknowledged that he is the father. As pertains to me, he [...]

Case 6222023-02-14T21:49:33-07:00

Case 621


For four years I had a romantic relationship with a girl, but during the last year I told her that I wanted to keep studying and pursuing a Master’s degree in Administration and another one in Biblical Studies. That bothered her a lot, to the extent of making me choose between her and my studies. [...]

Case 6212024-04-09T20:03:54-07:00

Case 620


After finding out that my mom had hidden from me that the man who raised me was not my biological father, my parents forbade me from looking for him. I feel that I need to know him, for I have never felt that I had a father. My sister doesn’t love me because I have [...]

Case 6202023-02-14T21:49:10-07:00

Case 619


I am twenty years old and my girlfriend is five years older than I am. My parents have never been in favor of our relationship, but now she is pregnant. I am still dependent on my parents. They told me that I should decide what to do, whether to stay with my girlfriend, or break [...]

Case 6192024-04-09T20:05:25-07:00

Case 618


My boyfriend and I have been together for more than five years. He is a lot older than I am. He has always respected me, and we truly love each other. Just two days ago I caught him getting pleasure from watching videos of young girls who are around twelve years old. It broke my [...]

Case 6182023-02-14T21:48:48-07:00

Case 617


My wife has been cheating on me for the past three years. A year ago, I happened to have her phone and I started looking through it. I found a contact that was a little odd, and saw that she sent him indecent photos. I confronted her, and she admitted it. It bothered me a [...]

Case 6172023-02-14T21:48:33-07:00

Case 616


I have been living with my boyfriend for fifteen years, and we have an eight-year-old daughter. I am a follower of Christ.... and for the past year I’ve been reading the Bible more. My husband knows about my faith in Christ, but he doesn’t practice it like I do. He has told me that we [...]

Case 6162023-02-14T21:48:20-07:00

Case 615


My wife was four months pregnant when a friend called to say that my wife wasn’t well. He took her to the hospital and she lost the baby.... Later I found out that she was in love with the same guy that helped her by taking her to the hospital. I accused her, saying that [...]

Case 6152023-02-14T21:48:06-07:00

Case 614


What I wanted most in life was to have a wife who would be God’s will for me. But God didn’t give me the person [or, woman] that I chose, and I had to watch her be with another guy.... Some time after that, I started living in sin with a woman whom I felt [...]

Case 6142024-04-02T20:56:55-07:00

Case 613


I am a twenty-eight-year-old woman. I have known God since I was a child, but six months ago I strayed from His path and ended up pregnant. Now I don’t know what I’m going to do because my family is not very supportive. Instead, they told me that I had ruined my life with this [...]

Case 6132024-04-09T20:07:08-07:00
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