Case of the Week

Case 312


I am the father of a three-year-old son. Four months ago, his mother and I got separated because I was treating both of them badly. I was unfaithful to her over and over, and she got tired of the fact that I never changed, so she finally left me. I’m really sorry for all I [...]

Case 3122024-05-13T21:52:51-07:00

Case 311


I am the mother of an eight-year-old girl and a two-year-old baby. Another woman destroyed my home, and my attitude was to leave it all in the hands of God. I never held it against my husband... because he told me that he was happier with her and, even though I loved him, I respected [...]

Case 3112024-04-02T21:33:44-07:00

Case 310


I am twenty-five years old and have a five-year-old son. About four years ago I met a man who was wonderful to me. He treated me very well, and promised me that he would be the father that my son did not have. Now everything has changed. He pays the utility bills and makes the [...]

Case 3102024-05-13T22:08:18-07:00

Case 309


I am a twenty-one year old mother and I have no experience in how to discipline my twenty-month-old son. I also have a seven-month-old baby girl.... At times I feel out of control, screaming at him exasperated because he is rambunctious and gets into everything. My husband has chosen to use the belt on him, [...]

Case 3092024-04-02T22:45:16-07:00

Case 308


I am thirty years old. A month ago I reconnected with my first girlfriend, who lives in another city. She has two children with an unmarried partner, but six years ago that relationship began to fall apart when her first child was born. Then he was unfaithful to her while she was pregnant with her [...]

Case 3082024-04-10T21:23:52-07:00

Case 307


For years I have struggled with the memories of the arguments my parents used to have. My mother was the victim of my father’s temper and foul language.... I am now married and have three children, and have to admit that I have failed, in that I am repeating the same pattern with my wife. [...]

Case 3072024-04-10T21:24:46-07:00

Case 306


I work from Monday to Friday from 5:00 AM until 6:00 or 8:00 PM. My wife is an independent salesperson who leaves the house to charge her accounts two nights a week.... But she also goes to church two days a week, and that bothers me and makes me angry because it leaves very little [...]

Case 3062024-05-13T21:51:26-07:00

Case 305


Two years ago I fell in love with a twenty-seven-year-old man. He had a wife and children, and I was only fourteen.... We were expecting a baby, but two days before our son was born, that man died tragically: he was murdered.... I couldn’t go to the burial because no one knew that I even [...]

Case 3052024-04-02T21:35:01-07:00

Case 304


I am twenty-seven years old, and my wife and I have a five-year-old and a one-year-old. I also have a nine-year-old daughter that lives with her mother and her presumed father in another country. When we were together, she was getting separated from her husband and she got pregnant. Later she got back with him [...]

Case 3042024-04-02T21:35:07-07:00

Case 303


I have a problem that affects my wife. She is a good wife, but sometimes I talk back and sometimes I don’t want to talk at all. Last week I disrespected her in front of her parents, and she got very angry. I have asked for forgiveness, but she says that she can’t take any [...]

Case 3032024-04-10T21:27:10-07:00
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