Case of the Week

Case 186


I am struggling with my vices, which are the Internet, pornography, and sexual desires.... It’s a struggle in which I always fail. So I’m sending this message in order to receive a response from you... Dear Friend, You have taken the first step, which is admitting that you have a problem, and the second step, [...]

Case 1862024-04-11T19:59:48-07:00

Case 185


I have been working in a fast food restaurant for eight months. Every day I observed my coworkers taking money from the cash register and stealing it without a second thought. For more than five months I avoided that dreadful misconduct, but the temptation was always there. Two months ago I fell into the destructive [...]

Case 1852023-06-08T19:12:15-07:00

Case 184


I am a seventeen-year-old girl who is in love with an older teacher. He likes me a lot and is very attentive to me. He has bought my lunch, but at the same time I feel badly because he could be my father. I don’t know what to do. I’m very attracted to him. Help [...]

Case 1842023-06-08T19:12:48-07:00

Case 183


My older brother died at forty-two years of age, and the loss I felt was so great that... I stopped praying and going to church. Just writing these lines has been very difficult, but since I subscribed to receive your messages by email two weeks ago, I decided to take the risk. I don’t want [...]

Case 1832023-06-08T19:13:27-07:00

Case 182


Three years ago my husband left home for another woman. We have two school-age children. My husband... doesn’t give me anything for them... even though he told me that he was going to help with the daily expenses.... Now I’m thinking of seeking child support. I had not wanted to resort to this, but it’s [...]

Case 1822024-04-11T20:02:08-07:00

Case 181


I have said “I do” plan to marry a wonderful woman (in many ways) but who does not completely fulfill my expectations physically (primarily because she is overweight), and my family won’t accept her because she is seven years older than I am.... I don’t know how to keep from marrying her (and I’m confused [...]

Case 1812024-04-11T20:02:55-07:00

Case 180


I live with a man [who] is thirteen years older than I am.... We have three children together that show signs of abuse, because he is a very aggressive person.... He has hit me [too].... He doesn’t want to marry me... and I know that I shouldn’t stay with him; but it hurts to think [...]

Case 1802023-06-08T19:15:28-07:00

Case 179


When I found out that my husband had a son with another woman, it made me sick, but I asked God to help me to forgive him.... My daughters and my family all say that I am wrong, that by accepting the child I am glossing over the sin; but I don’t see it like [...]

Case 1792023-06-08T19:16:40-07:00

Case 178


I trusted my wife completely until she left home to work far away.... Every week I took care of our four-year-old daughter. As time passed, my wife began to change. Then one day she said she wanted a separation, that she didn’t love me anymore, because she was back together with her ex-boyfriend. At first [...]

Case 1782023-06-08T19:17:19-07:00

Case 177


I am sixteen years old. When I was twelve, I came to live at my uncle’s house. Here there is a boy who unfortunately hates me. He says horrible things to me, and his mom backs him up. And my uncle can’t do anything about it.... I can’t go back and live at my mother’s [...]

Case 1772023-06-08T19:18:02-07:00
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