Case of the Week

Case 111


My parents divorced a few months before I was born, and my father moved to another city. I am now twenty‑two years old, and I have seen my father only on a few occasions.... My mother never spoke badly of him, but she has said that she hopes we will never look for him because [...]

Case 1112023-06-08T18:38:38-07:00

Case 110


A year ago my husband left us for another woman.... Neither our twenty‑nine years of marriage, nor our children, nor our grandchild mattered to him. For twenty years we lived next door to my mother‑in‑law in a wooden shack in order to save for a better future, and now it is another woman who is [...]

Case 1102024-04-12T12:34:34-07:00

Case 109


I never had a family like I would have liked to have. My mother died when I was a child, and I can’t even remember her face. My father left us with my grandmother for her to take care of us. Although she was good and reared us, she didn’t give us the love that [...]

Case 1092023-06-05T19:41:50-07:00

Case 108


I was married for fifteen years, with two children... before my husband abandoned me.... About five years ago, I began a new relationship. I have four grandchildren now. It turns out that my partner doesn’t like for them to come to my house, and that hurts me a lot. I have tried to talk to [...]

Case 1082023-06-05T19:41:14-07:00

Case 107


I am twenty‑eight years old and have been married for a year and a half, with no children yet. My husband hits me. I have spoken with him about it and told him that I don’t want him to call me bad names and that I won’t permit him to hit me again (he thinks [...]

Case 1072023-06-05T19:41:02-07:00

Case 106


A little more than four years ago, I met a wonderful man who is ten years older than I am, and we began a romantic relationship. He is married and has two precious daughters.... The point is that I have tried a thousand times to leave him and end it, but it has been almost [...]

Case 1062023-06-05T19:40:50-07:00

Case 105


I am twenty years old, and in just a few months I will be married.... For the past few months, my father has been having an affair with another woman.... I love my fiancé, but there is something that worries me from time to time. I have greatly distrusted my fiancé, and sometimes I feel [...]

Case 1052024-04-12T12:35:30-07:00

Case 104


I got married thirteen years ago. Unfortunately, I wasn’t in love with my wife at the time, and that has caused me many problems over these thirteen years. I have two precious daughters, one twelve and one four, who are the best things that God has given me. But I can’t be affectionate toward my [...]

Case 1042023-06-05T19:40:26-07:00

Case 103


I am in a relationship with a man who is fifteen years older than I am.... The problem is that when he gets angry, he insults me, screams at me, and if I continue complaining about what he has done, he hits me.... I don’t know what to do. We have a daughter who is [...]

Case 1032024-04-12T12:36:21-07:00

Case 102


For the last five years we knew nothing about my husband, and my children were accustomed to him not being around. When I thought things were going well, he showed up at my house about two weeks ago because he needed me to do him a favor. From that day until now, he has continued [...]

Case 1022024-04-12T12:37:00-07:00
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