
Case 507


Three years ago, I was involved in an adulterous affair. My wife forgave me, and... I cut off all communication with the other woman. I have two children who are ten and four years old. I don’t know if I should tell my children about that period of my life, nor when would be the [...]

Case 5072023-06-08T16:34:50-07:00

Case 437


I live with my mother and stepfather. Eight months ago I began taking inappropriate pictures of myself and sending them to my stepfather’s two brothers. Someone saw the photos on their mobile phones and told my parents about them. It’s not the first time that I’ve done something like this. I was raped by my [...]

Case 4372024-05-13T22:09:22-07:00

Case 425


I am fifteen years old, and one night when there was a party I went to a friend’s house without my parents’ knowing that I was gone. From there I left with a boy in his car, but nothing happened. He is a friend from school, and we just went for a ride.... I got [...]

Case 4252024-04-10T19:15:31-07:00

Case 389


I was married for almost twenty years. I got involved several times with married women, and they ended up getting divorced from their husbands. As a result, my own marriage ended. I also had sexual relations that were a high risk to my health and my emotional stability... which now affect my mind, my soul, [...]

Case 3892024-05-13T21:39:39-07:00

Case 387


When I was thirteen, I rebelled and strayed away from God. I committed a lot of sins. One of them was to bring a daughter into the world, and another was to have an abortion. Now I am sorry, but it is too late.... I was really bad off and had plans to commit [...]

Case 3872024-05-13T21:54:24-07:00

Case 363


I am devastated. I am thirty-five now, but I had a great childhood and was taught well, to the extent that I had never even touched a cigarette or any alcohol. I worked hard, as my parents taught me, so that at thirty, I already owned four businesses.... Two years ago I unexpectedly encountered the [...]

Case 3632024-04-02T22:14:28-07:00

Case 354


I need moral help. I feel sad. I believe in marriage and in the Lord Jesus Christ. I am single, but one night after I had been drinking with a friend, I had sex with a prostitute. I feel very badly. I was a virgin, and I had planned to stay that way until I [...]

Case 3542024-04-10T20:44:09-07:00

Case 338


I am thirty years old, and I think that since childhood I have always been able to accomplish anything that I set my mind to. The downside is that sometimes, when playing games, I tried to take advantage of others by making up “fuzzy” rules, confusing the other players into compliance. Today, as I [...]

Case 3382024-05-13T21:53:08-07:00

Case 336


I did some very bad things on Facebook that I am sorry for. I lost the trust of my parents as well as some other people. Now I want to regain their trust. I already closed my Facebook account, but my parents still don’t trust me. I am a fifteen-year-old girl, and now is when [...]

Case 3362024-04-02T21:49:01-07:00

Case 312


I am the father of a three-year-old son. Four months ago, his mother and I got separated because I was treating both of them badly. I was unfaithful to her over and over, and she got tired of the fact that I never changed, so she finally left me. I’m really sorry for all I [...]

Case 3122024-05-13T21:52:51-07:00
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