
About Linda Stewart

Linda is the Pastoral Counselor of Hermano Pablo Ministries. She is the daughter of alcoholics (mother, father, and step-father), and decided at a young age that she wanted to provide a very different life for her own future children. Linda and Charles have five children, three of whom are adopted. She has a Master’s Degree in Counseling and has completed post-graduate studies in Marriage and Family Therapy. She has served as a Biblical counselor in both the United States and South America. In addition, she has worked as a teacher in both public and private schools (from kindergarten to high school), and has been a school counselor.

Case 748


I have a job with a great salary and benefits.... Furthermore, it is related to my college career. The problem is that the other employees have bad habits, use curse words and gossip about their coworkers.... My boss is a woman who treats me very badly because I don’t act like everyone else. She screams [...]

Case 7482023-02-14T20:47:04-07:00

Case 747


I have a question. I would like to be happily married and have a family that honors God. But how am I going to be able to identify the person that God has for me? How am I going to know if I’m about to make a bad decision? I believe that God has a [...]

Case 7472023-02-14T22:33:24-07:00

Case 746


I am an unmarried student.... Unfortunately, during my adolescence I fell into the vice of pornography and masturbation....   I began to attend a church. I thought it would be easy to leave my habit behind. I’ve tried to stop my addiction, but it keeps coming back. The guilt and shame torment me.... I was [...]

Case 7462023-02-14T20:47:18-07:00

Case 745


Twenty years ago I lived with my parents. They didn’t get along. My mother was sick, and I cared for her.   My father had a second family, and he told me to leave the house because, if I didn’t, he would. Since I didn’t want my mother to suffer if my father left, I [...]

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Case 744


I am the friend of a young woman who is twenty-seven years old. She has two daughters. We agreed to be housemates, living together only as friends, but I soon regretted that decision because we are not a couple. It troubles me to see her hang out with her male friends because I like her [...]

Case 7442023-02-14T20:47:31-07:00

Case 743


Four months ago I met a twenty-seven-year-old woman, and I like her a lot. She has suffered a great deal. Her father was murdered, and she had a couple of relationships that broke her heart even more. She says that she is full of bitterness and anger, that her heart has been hardened. She says [...]

Case 7432023-02-14T20:47:40-07:00

Case 742


In my almost thirty years of life, I have had two romantic relationships, but both were disasters. I suffered humiliations, mockery, lies, and deception. After the last relationship, I went to therapy a couple of times.   Both men have moved on to new relationships, and... I can’t help feeling angry to see they’re apparently [...]

Case 7422023-02-14T20:47:50-07:00

Case 741


I’ve been feeling very depressed lately. I have a job that pays me well, but I don’t have time for myself. I’d like to have time to go out, have a boyfriend, and start a family, but I am afraid because there are no good men anymore. I need to have my own family. I’d [...]

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Case 740


I am sixty-seven years old and have been married more than forty years. I’ve made many mistakes that I’m sorry for, especially for having been unfaithful to my wife on several occasions. I’m aware of the harm that I’ve caused and of having hurt my wife, my daughters, and my son. I don’t want to [...]

Case 7402023-02-14T20:48:03-07:00

Case 739


My mother has been losing her memory. I take care of her twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. She is bedridden now. My father died a few years ago, and she confuses me with him.... The occasional times when my aunt can take care of my mother so that I can get out [...]

Case 7392023-02-14T20:48:10-07:00
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