Case of the Week

Case 465


I separated from my girlfriend two years ago. We had two children together. I still love her, but she lies to me all the time and her mother backs her up.... All they care about is what I have to contribute financially. She knows that I love her, and that’s why she taunts me. But [...]

Case 4652024-04-02T21:26:45-07:00

Case 464


I am a sixteen-year-old girl. I am very timid and I don’t have any friends. This started four years ago.... All my friends distanced themselves from me, and now I am alone. Sometimes I cut myself. I hurt myself, but I don’t want to continue doing that.... I wasn’t like that before. I was very [...]

Case 4642024-04-02T21:27:02-07:00

Case 463


I am a twenty-eight-year-old divorced woman with a nine-year-old son. I have lived with my parents since the break up of my marriage, but it won’t be long before I will be out on my own, which is what I want the most. For some reason I feel like I don’t fit in with anyone, [...]

Case 4632024-04-10T19:03:32-07:00

Case 462


Three years ago a beautiful baby girl was born, but her maternal grandmother forbade that I be recognized as her father... so much so that she manipulated the conscience of my baby girl’s mother convincing her not to accept that the child be given my last name.... I can’t see my daughter. I have thought [...]

Case 4622024-04-02T21:27:28-07:00

Case 461


I have been separated for seven years. My ex-wife and I have a daughter who is now twelve years old. Our daughter has an older brother who is fifteen, and I love them equally and have always looked after both of them. Four years ago I gave my ex-wife a job to help her, and [...]

Case 4612024-04-02T21:27:40-07:00

Case 460


Five months ago my father died, and then my grandmother died three months later. As a result I have begun to feel badly, including stomach pains. I got tested, and nothing is wrong with me. But sometimes I get panicked and I feel like taking off running. I go to church and pray about my [...]

Case 4602024-04-10T19:04:20-07:00

Case 459


I am the oldest of three sisters. That’s why I was brought up with strict discipline.... The treatment my sisters have received has been different. They’ve done things I never did.... things that bother me because, if I had done those things, I would have been beaten, insulted, and run out of the house. I [...]

Case 4592024-04-10T19:04:51-07:00

Case 458


I have been married for nine years. Six months ago my wife began working in a casino. She had always said that she loved me, but three months ago she changed completely toward me saying she didn’t love me, but only wanted me. Around three weeks ago I saw on her cell phone that she [...]

Case 4582023-06-08T16:16:05-07:00

Case 457


A month ago we found out that my husband’s father has cancer.... It is already stage four.... My relationship with my father-in-law has always been distant. I have never received any support or advice from him. When we visit at his house, very seldom do we interact. We hardly ever get past saying hello. I [...]

Case 4572024-04-10T19:05:35-07:00

Case 456


My girlfriend and I had been in a relationship for four years when I met another woman and was unfaithful with her. I confessed the infidelity to my girlfriend because I love her, so I asked her to forgive me to get things right between us again. But within a short time the other woman [...]

Case 4562023-06-08T16:14:40-07:00
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