Case of the Week

Case 336


I did some very bad things on Facebook that I am sorry for. I lost the trust of my parents as well as some other people. Now I want to regain their trust. I already closed my Facebook account, but my parents still don’t trust me. I am a fifteen-year-old girl, and now is when [...]

Case 3362024-04-02T21:49:01-07:00

Case 335


I have had a boyfriend for nine years, and I love him very much, which is why I think I put up with so much. I have had problems with his mother over insignificant issues. She meddles in his business all the time. He yelled at me in front of her, and disrespected me by [...]

Case 3352024-04-02T21:29:29-07:00

Case 334


I am twenty-one years old. I got married when I was eighteen, and now I am falling in love with another girl that I met online. I left my wife and don’t want to go back to her. She is suffering a lot. Marriage is very important to her, and she says that she only [...]

Case 3342024-04-10T21:10:22-07:00

Case 333


My wife will not stop watching soap operas on television. She even imagines that she is one of the main characters! It seems like really weird behavior to me. We want peace, love, and for God to bless and even prosper us. But I think her attitude is counterproductive. Dear Friend, A number of years [...]

Case 3332024-04-02T21:29:44-07:00

Case 332


I have been verbally and physically abused since the time of my marriage eighteen years ago.... When I met my husband, he was a deacon, and sometime later he became the pastor; but that didn’t stop him from beating me until I had bruises all over my body and was bleeding. One time I lost [...]

Case 3322024-04-10T21:12:11-07:00

Case 331


My husband and I have two children, a nineteen-year-old son and a seven-year-old daughter. My son came home drunk. I served his dinner, and he began to eat with his hands. I brought it to his attention and he reacted badly, to the extent that he wanted to attack me. My husband told him to [...]

Case 3312024-04-02T21:30:15-07:00

Case 330


My case goes back to my childhood. When I was five years old I was raped many times, day after day, perhaps for a year. I don’t think my father ever knew, but everytime I remember, I am filled with guilt, bitterness, and the powerlessness of not being able to do anything about it.... [...]

Case 3302024-05-13T21:57:55-07:00

Case 329


I lost my job and had to leave the city where I was living.... I met a woman there who is twenty-five years younger than I am, and fell in love with her. I left my wife and moved in with the woman. We began a sexual relationship and now have a son who is [...]

Case 3292024-04-02T21:30:46-07:00

Case 328


I am twenty-five years old, a medical doctor, and from a Christian home. I met my current boyfriend three years ago. The problem is that he is a Muslim from Senegal. He is a wonderful guy, respectful, affectionate, and I know that he loves me. A month ago he asked me to marry him. When [...]

Case 3282024-04-10T21:16:09-07:00

Case 327


I am twenty-three and have plans to marry a woman who is the same age. She is an only child, and her mother is not really in agreement with our marriage plans. I understand that it is rather difficult for her because of my girlfriend being her only child, but what bothers me the most [...]

Case 3272024-04-02T21:31:33-07:00
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