Sexual Immorality

Case 227


My problem is Internet pornography. I don’t know how to put a stop to it. It really has tormented me for a long time.... I have researched and read books about sexuality so that I can conquer the habit, and I try to be consistent with the methods I apply; but I always fall back [...]

Case 2272024-04-02T22:18:45-07:00

Case 173


In my third year of university studies, I had sexual relations with another man, and I have continued to do the same with other men since then. I don’t want to do it, and I ask God to help me; but help does not come. In 2009, my AIDS test came back positive. No one [...]

Case 1732024-04-11T20:06:21-07:00

Case 131


I am fifteen years old and I like to chat online. It was there that I chatted with a guy who asked me to be his girlfriend, and I said yes. That same day I met him in person. He asked me to have intimate relations with him, and I gave in. I did [...]

Case 1312024-05-13T21:45:31-07:00

Case 89


I am very worried because one of my girlfriends told me that she thought she was pregnant. Our relationship was over in a few days, and now I can’t get that out of my mind. I don’t know what to do. Should I look for her to confirm whether or not it is true or [...]

Case 892023-03-22T21:28:11-07:00

Case 82


I met a man who told me he was divorced. Due to his extreme kindness, his eagerness to protect me, and his love, I ended up giving in to the idea that we should live together. After many months, he told me that his children and their mother were coming to visit and that we [...]

Case 822023-06-05T19:32:07-07:00

Case 40


I have a very big problem. I have had a terrible compulsion for more than fifteen years, and it has just gotten worse. What happens is that I take advantage of certain situations to engage in very shameful practices. I touch women without their consent on buses or in crowds. It is a habit, but [...]

Case 402024-04-12T14:44:32-07:00

Case 12


I am a twenty‑three‑year‑old young woman with a three‑year‑old son. His father and I are no longer together. He doesn’t help support his son, and that has made me have a bad attitude. I have slept with four different men in less than a year. I am desperate and don’t know what to do. I [...]

Case 122023-03-22T20:35:23-07:00
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