Absentee Parents

Case 848


About six years ago I met a woman... and I ended up getting her pregnant.... From that time on, my life has been a nightmare.... I don’t know what to do. I think that leaving her is my best option. My daughter is now five years old, and it hurts to think of abandoning her, [...]

Case 8482024-12-01T17:04:42-07:00

Case 792


More tan a year ago I met a woman, and after a month she told me that she did not want a relationship with me, but rather only dreamed about getting pregnant and having a child whom she would rear alone. I gave in, and... she got pregnant. After that, she kept her distance from [...]

Case 7922023-07-20T12:21:59-07:00

Case 786


I made the biggest mistake of my life by going out with a guy who is not a follower of Christ, as I am. I ended up pregnant, and my baby was born; but I never moved out of my family’s house. My baby’s father had hopes that we would get married and be a [...]

Case 7862023-06-13T06:47:30-07:00

Case 768


Three years ago I met a woman. We didn’t have a good relationship, but we decided to have a child anyway. Eight months after our baby boy was born, the arguments and conflicts caused us to decide to separate.... We were never married....   Later I started going out with another woman and we weren’t [...]

Case 7682023-02-13T13:42:28-07:00

Case 755


Three years ago my only child was born.... Everything was great until my daughter’s mother decided to live in another country, claiming that nothing would change in terms of my relationship with my daughter.   After a few months the problems began. She was always too busy to allow me to communicate with my daughter.... [...]

Case 7552022-11-09T15:51:08-07:00

Case 731


I have two sons, one seventeen and the other two years old. The father of my first son died, and that son has grown up without a father. The father of my second son doesn’t want anything to do with his child.... When he found out that I was pregnant, he decided to go back [...]

Case 7312023-02-14T20:49:07-07:00

Case 702


Eight years ago, after living with a woman I ended it and went back to my wife. But I was such a horrible person that I left the woman pregnant. And more than four years ago she died unexpectedly.... Now I realize that, besides being a horrible person, I don’t deserve to live. I have [...]

Case 7022023-02-14T20:57:18-07:00

Case 700


Almost five years ago I was with a married man. I ended up pregnant and, when I gave him the news, he told me to get an abortion.... When my son was born, I notified the man and sent him a photo telling him that, because of being the father, I would give my son [...]

Case 7002023-02-14T20:57:30-07:00

Case 696


I am twenty-seven years old and live with my girlfriend, who is twenty years old. We have a three-year-old daughter. A few weeks ago, I was at the point of committing the worst crime that plagues our society today: the murder of my girlfriend, on account of some messages of hers on Facebook. What stopped [...]

Case 6962023-02-14T20:57:57-07:00

Case 685


I am twenty-nine and I lived with my girlfriend for three years, exactly the age of my son. From the beginning I didn’t get along with my son’s mom.... We tried to make it for his sake, but it just didn’t work. After a lot of fights, we decided to break up. I want to [...]

Case 6852023-02-14T21:00:14-07:00
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