Case 646

Depression / Anxiety / Panic|

I am depressed.... My parents died when I was a child, and it has taken a great deal of effort to succeed. I got a degree in my chosen field, but I haven’t gotten a job in spite of the fact that I have applied in many places.... I feel like God has abandoned me. I would like to have a family of my own, but I don’t believe that a good man exists. God [...]

Case 645


My mother-in-law hates me. She manipulates my girlfriend, who is her only child. I respect my girlfriend’s mother, but she has offended me many times. I believe that my girlfriend’s mother is worried that her daughter won’t support her anymore. She wants my girlfriend to give her everything because she doesn’t like to work. Because of this, I don’t see myself as happy by the side of my future wife. I want us to live [...]

Case 644

Romantic Relationships/Courtship (Chastity/Moral Values)|

I am in a relationship with a fifty-four-year-old man. Several months have passed, and he is trying to convince me that it is normal to have sexual relations. I have told him that I think they are important, but only in a stable marriage relationship. He doesn’t want to get married because he says times are bad and he doesn’t want to face potentially bad repercussions. He says that if I won’t have sex with [...]

Case 643

Death / Grief|

I can’t stop thinking about something that bothers me and scares me to death. I have always wondered about eternity, and if sometime after death, once we’re in heaven, God will destroy us. It feels like He created us for a finite time period and, after that time is over, He will discard us. It may be a rather dumb thought, but it seriously affects me to keep thinking about this. Dear Friend, You are [...]

Case 642

Guilt, Romantic Relationships/Courtship (Chastity/Moral Values)|

A year ago, my boyfriend and I started dating, and we now have plans to get married. I love him a lot, and he has shown me that he loves me too.... We have not been physically intimate, but I have a lot of thoughts about what it will be like after we are married and do have physical relations.... I am a shameful person, and feel very guilty about it! ... My boyfriend doesn’t [...]

Case 641

Jealousy / Envy|

My wife has always been jealous and distrustful.... One day, tired and frustrated by her mistrust and constant jealousy, I gave in and got involved with a woman at work. I wasn’t unfaithful to my wife, but it all came to light because that woman was so wicked that she contacted my wife and accused me of having harassed her. I love my wife and my family, but my wife can’t regain her trust in [...]

Case 640

Marriage (Adultery/Infidelity)|

About eight months ago, my wife started treating me and our small daughter differently. Then, a month ago, someone sent me emails with indecent photos of my wife and a video in which she was unfaithful to me with several men who work with her. I haven’t said anything until now because I am concerned about our daughter, but I can’t stand it anymore. Tell me what I should do. I don’t want to cause [...]

Case 639

Absentee Parents, Marriage (Adultery/Infidelity)|

I got married eleven years ago.... We have a nine-year-old son.... Recently I found out that my husband has a seven-month-old baby girl with another woman.... I decided to forgive him. He says he doesn’t have anything to do with the mother of that baby girl anymore. However, I don’t know how to get over this. I don’t know how to get past the sadness and pain. I have had three miscarriages, and I can’t [...]

Case 638

Infatuation/Falling in Love|

I fell in love with a sixteen-year-old girl. For more than a year I have been trying to start a relationship with her. The problem is that she could be my daughter, because I am thirty-four years old. My actions have shown her that I am concerned about her well-being. She wanted a cell phone, so I gave her one. Her bedroom was in bad shape, and I fixed it up for her, even adding [...]