Case 685

Absentee Parents, Cohabitation|

I am twenty-nine and I lived with my girlfriend for three years, exactly the age of my son. From the beginning I didn’t get along with my son’s mom.... We tried to make it for his sake, but it just didn’t work. After a lot of fights, we decided to break up. I want to be responsible for my son, but I’m now afraid that God might get even with me for not having stayed [...]

Case 684


It may be that my mother loves me, but she doesn’t like me, and I don’t like her.... When I was twenty, I moved away to another city, but my family problems keep following me. My mother comes to visit several months of the year. My father and mother don’t love each other anymore. She expects me to take her side and hate him, but I won’t do it because I love him and understand [...]

Case 683

Romantic Relationships / Courtship (Pre-marital)|

Case 245 is the story of a man who married a woman he didn’t love, and even after two years he felt the same or worse. The counsel to him was good and I liked it. I am living something very similar. I’m thinking about marrying a woman who I don’t love very much, even though she would give her life for me if it came to that. I wonder if I could apply the [...]

Case 682

Adult children|

My thirty-one-year-old daughter lives with me and has an eight-month-old baby girl. The father of the baby lives in a dream world, is violent, and has addictions. My daughter has become emotionally dependent on him.... I am anxious because I don’t know when he might suddenly turn violent, hitting her and humiliating her with ugly words. I have had to learn to stay away from the situation because every time I say anything about it, [...]

Case 681

Romantic Relationships/Courtship (Chastity/Moral Values)|

I am a twenty-two-year-old man.... I have chosen to save myself for my future wife. I’ve never having had physical relations with any woman, but as life would have it my girlfriend did have a physical relationship with another guy, and that has frustrated me a lot.... She is still in contact with him, and I’m really afraid that after a time he will show up and she will fall for him.... She assures me [...]

Case 680

Depression / Anxiety / Panic, Illness|

My wife and I went to work in another country for five years. In all that time, my girls were practically alone. As might be expected, they stopped going to church. This has caused me to sink into a depression that has lasted for years. I feel like I am not worth anything, and I haven’t done anything right. I suffer from Tinnitis. The doctor told me that there is no cure, and that I [...]

Case 679

Depression / Anxiety / Panic|

My best childhood friend is going through a rough patch. He is distraught about his future. He is fed up with his work, and his relationship with his mother and his stepfather is not good. He has been very depressed on several occasions. One time he even wanted to kill himself. I tried to help him. I counseled him and told him about the peace that God can give him. I talked to him about [...]

Case 678

Death / Grief|

I believe that I interfered with God’s will. I am a medical doctor, and a little less than a year ago my brother, the person who I loved most in this world, died during surgery for a brain tumor. I was angry and I blamed my mother for the delay in my brother’s diagnosis because it left me no time to get him to another country where there might have been other treatment options.... He [...]

Case 677


I am a married man, and I feel very guilty before God because I failed Him. I committed adultery, and it caused a pregnancy; but we decided that the child would never be born. I would like for you to tell me how I can get God’s forgiveness for having sinned, knowing the truth, and still taking the life of an innocent child. Every day my guilty conscience torments me. As a result, I am [...]