Case 637

Romantic Relationships/Courtship (Deceipt/Distrust)|

I am in a relationship with a guy... but six months ago I discovered messages with his best friend in which they were sending each other photos in a way that was very strange to me, and the friend referred to my boyfriend as a pretty boy. And one time when the three of us were together, the friend told me that my boyfriend was his, and that he came first, before me. I confronted [...]

Case 636

In-laws, Marriage (Conflicts/Insults)|

I have been married for three years. My wife already had a daughter from a past relationship. I don’t have any children. Before my mother met my wife, she made a comment saying that a woman with a child from another man is not acceptable. I told my wife, and now, three years later, she keeps bringing it up and hates my mother passionately. She frequently says terrible things about my mother. What can I [...]

Case 635


I have been divorced for six years because my husband cheated on me and had a child with another woman. I have a boyfriend now... but he doesn’t want to get married. What should I do? I don’t want to live in sin because of him. Should I leave him and pray for a new boyfriend, or should I stay with him? Dear Friend, We can understand why you are having difficulty making this decision. [...]

Case 634

Cohabitation, Sexual Immorality|

Six years ago, I had a relationship with a girl who is five years younger than I am. I broke up with her, but then I got involved in a relationship with her mother. There were a lot of problems... so after two years we broke up. Three years later, I began another relationship with the daughter.... Now I even have thoughts of marrying her.... But I realize that I sinned... and that I made [...]

Case 633

Adolescents (Discipline/Instruction/Care), Marriage (Conflicts/Insults)|

My family is made up of my wife and our eighteen-year-old daughter, who is in her last year of high school. Life with my wife has always consisted of heated arguments and bad words, Unfortunately, my daughter has had to live in that kind of environment, and I feel like she hates me.... I believe that the way that my wife tries to get our daughter to help around the house is not correct. Sometimes [...]

Case 632

Romantic Relationships/Courtship (Deceipt/Distrust), Romantic Relationships/Courtship (Uncertainty/Doubt)|

I am a twenty-nine-year-old medical doctor.... I met a guy who quickly started a romantic relationship with me. A week later I found out that he was still in contact with his ex-girlfriend, so I decided to end it. After four months of separation... he asked for another chance, saying that he wasn’t ready before, but that now everything would be different. So we decided to give it a try. However, I still have my [...]

Case 631

Bad Habits|

I like electronic music, and [I think that it’s OK] because it doesn’t have dirty words like [some other styles of music].... [Am I wrong about this?] Dear Friend, I am definitely not an expert on music, but to try and answer your question let’s think of four of the facets of music. You mention the lyrics and the device or instrument used to play the music. (In the case of electronic music, the device [...]

Case 630

Infatuation/Falling in Love, Singleness / Solitude|

I ask God for a wife, but every woman that I like is not attracted to me. How can I find the one who will be my wife? Dear Friend, Thank you for asking this important question. There are many people who may be interested in the advice that we have for you. When you say that the women that you like are not attracted to you, it sounds as if you have good friends [...]

Case 629

Abuse, Divorce|

Ten years ago, I asked my husband for a divorce because he emotionally abused me and made fun of me in front of other people.... After we were separated he said very cruel things about me, such as that I had been unfaithful to him. He remarried, but he has separated from that woman close to six times. I have asked him to come back home. You see, we have three adult children, and it [...]