Case 631
I like electronic music, and [I think that it’s OK] because it doesn’t have dirty words like [some other styles of music].... [Am I wrong about this?] Dear Friend, I am definitely not an expert on music, but to try and answer your question let’s think of four of the facets of music. You mention the lyrics and the device or instrument used to play the music. (In the case of electronic music, the device [...]
Case 630
I ask God for a wife, but every woman that I like is not attracted to me. How can I find the one who will be my wife? Dear Friend, Thank you for asking this important question. There are many people who may be interested in the advice that we have for you. When you say that the women that you like are not attracted to you, it sounds as if you have good friends [...]
Case 629
Ten years ago, I asked my husband for a divorce because he emotionally abused me and made fun of me in front of other people.... After we were separated he said very cruel things about me, such as that I had been unfaithful to him. He remarried, but he has separated from that woman close to six times. I have asked him to come back home. You see, we have three adult children, and it [...]
Case 628
I never got along well with my wife because of her bad temper and mine, which is just as bad. We argued a lot. I made the mistake of complaining about my wife to my son from the time he was about ten years old. I said bad things about her, and he just listened, but I didn’t realize the harm that I was doing to him.... Now my son is twenty years old. Recently, [...]
Case 627
[My husband and I got married a few months ago, after three years of courtship.] He spends all his time on his phone. When I wake up in the morning, he is on his mobile phone. We have argued about this, because I don’t like him staying on the phone as if he were not married. We are both jealous, but I am as open as I can be with him, and I feel like [...]
Case 626
I have been separated from the mother of my children for about a year. She took the children to live somewhere else, and that makes me feel very guilty. We lived together for almost nine years and wanted to get married, but something always came up. Since childhood I have visited pornographic websites, and I have brought that sexual immorality into our bedroom. Now I am trying to have a relationship with God, but I [...]
Case 625
My father sexually abused me when I was a child.... Because I am a follower of Christ, I know that we are supposed to forgive. I have done everything I can to forgive, to the extent of attending family gatherings and still treat him as my father. But very often I can’t help but feel revulsion. I don’t want to ever have to see his face again. Would it displease God if I were to [...]
Case 624
I am married to a woman whom I have never loved.... We have a one-year-old daughter whose existence was the reason for our marriage. Both of us wanted a child. However, after we were married, my wife began to change. She is not as agreeable as she used to be, and she complains about the way that I am. My only concern is my daughter. That’s why I haven’t separated from my wife. I fear [...]
Case 623
My continuous battle has been with my twenty-three-year-old daughter, who will not agree to help around the house. She is an excellent student... but we have constant conflicts because she doesn’t want to do anything except wash her clothes and clean her room. When I ask her to remove her plate from the table, wash the dishes that she used, pick up the shoes she left in the living room, feed the dog, or clean [...]