Case 619
I am twenty years old and my girlfriend is five years older than I am. My parents have never been in favor of our relationship, but now she is pregnant. I am still dependent on my parents. They told me that I should decide what to do, whether to stay with my girlfriend, or break up with her now and, when the baby is born, provide support for both of them. I don’t know what [...]
Case 618
My boyfriend and I have been together for more than five years. He is a lot older than I am. He has always respected me, and we truly love each other. Just two days ago I caught him getting pleasure from watching videos of young girls who are around twelve years old. It broke my heart, and made him a complete stranger to me. We talked about it, and he told me that this is [...]
Case 617
My wife has been cheating on me for the past three years. A year ago, I happened to have her phone and I started looking through it. I found a contact that was a little odd, and saw that she sent him indecent photos. I confronted her, and she admitted it. It bothered me a lot and I decided to leave; but we have two children whom I love, so I came back the same [...]
Case 616
I have been living with my boyfriend for fifteen years, and we have an eight-year-old daughter. I am a follower of Christ.... and for the past year I’ve been reading the Bible more. My husband knows about my faith in Christ, but he doesn’t practice it like I do. He has told me that we should get married, but we can’t because of the differences in our beliefs. I think that living together without being [...]
Case 615
My wife was four months pregnant when a friend called to say that my wife wasn’t well. He took her to the hospital and she lost the baby.... Later I found out that she was in love with the same guy that helped her by taking her to the hospital. I accused her, saying that the baby wasn’t mine, and she got offended.... She lies to me. Every time that we separate I find out [...]
Case 614
What I wanted most in life was to have a wife who would be God’s will for me. But God didn’t give me the person [or, woman] that I chose, and I had to watch her be with another guy.... Some time after that, I started living in sin with a woman whom I felt obligated to marry because she got pregnant. But less than a year later, I was unfaithful to her with another [...]
Case 613
I am a twenty-eight-year-old woman. I have known God since I was a child, but six months ago I strayed from His path and ended up pregnant. Now I don’t know what I’m going to do because my family is not very supportive. Instead, they told me that I had ruined my life with this baby, and that’s why I spend days at a time crying. I don’t know what I’m going to do to [...]
Case 612
I have known my boyfriend for a while. I love him a lot and have dreams of being married to him, but he says that in order to get married he needs to make sure that I’m a virgin. I’ve told him that I’m a virgin, but he says that it’s a requirement I must fulfill, and that he’ll only get married once he’s sure. I don’t want to give in, even though I love [...]
Case 611
Two years ago, I married after four long years of courtship. At the time she was my friend, but now I feel that I don’t even know her. She left me for no reason at all and says that she wants a divorce. This is not the first time that this has happened. She also left me before we were married, but then came back after a while. I am sad and I don’t know [...]