Case 844
I feel terrible and incredibly guilty. I would like to kill myself.... For some reason that I don’t understand, I started feeling attracted to my cousin. One night we were together, and I touched her in ways I shouldn’t have, but I stopped myself and we didn’t go further. Later, during a family outing, I tried to secretly record her naked with a hidden camera, and she caught me doing it. Now she hates me, [...]
Case 843
I am engaged and love my future husband, but there are things that have hurt me. On several occasions, when he has been furious, he has raised his hand against me and raised his voice. He always justifies it by saying that I made him angry. He is very anxious to get married, but I am now afraid and don’t know if I really should.... He says that he’s praying a lot to change, but [...]
Case 842
Sixteen years ago... I became pregnant without being married. To try and correct that mistake, I decided to marry the father of my son.... We were married in a civil ceremony... and I now have another son with him, but he thinks that we should have the wedding ceremony again, this time in his church.... Besides, he is demanding that my children and I go with him to his church instead of ours.... I am [...]
Case 841
My family is made up of my twelve-year-old daughter and two sons, together with my partner, who is the father of all my children.... Unfortunately, he sexually abused our daughter. When I found out, he was very sorry and asked Christ to come into his heart, and asked forgiveness from our daughter and from me.... My mother wants me to report him to the authorities and for me to separate from him.... I know that [...]
Case 840
After ten years of marriage, my wife felt very drawn to an attractive and much younger guy who would come to the house to sell us bread. Sometimes they would spend up to forty minutes talking in front of our house. I would tell my wife that what she was doing wasn’t right, but she would reply that it was just an innocent friendship. I warned her many times until they got to the point [...]
Case 839
I got married and, at the start of the pandemic, my husband migrated alone to [another country]. My two children and I stayed behind. Over time, I found out that he pays women for sex. He says that’s all it is, but it broke my heart and I am devastated.... Now he tells me that, if I want our relationship to survive, I need to go to be with him, but my children don’t want [...]
Case 838
More than fifteen years ago, I met a woman with whom I started a romantic relationship. She is ten years older than I am. At first, everything was very nice.... Two years after starting the relationship, we had a son.... We’ve lived together all this time, but we’ve had problems and have been on the verge of separating. However, I’ve always fought to not separate from my son. We haven’t gotten married. Each day the [...]
Case 837
I am forty-three years old, and for some time I have been noticing that my mother shows signs of being a narcissistic, dramatic, and manipulative person who wants to suck us into the situations she causes. In spite of being a Christian, she is someone who is never content and who is constantly complaining. For her, to be a good daughter is to let her manipulate us and use us like puppets. I also feel [...]
Case 836
I’ve been married for twenty-eight years, and for the past eleven I’ve been struggling with my wife’s infidelities. I’ve forgiven a lot, but three months ago, when we seemed to be doing well, she told me that she was tired and no longer loved me. She brought up things I said in the past that hurt her deeply. I told her that I said those things out of anger over discovering her adultery. Right now [...]