Case 601
While my wife was in the hospital, I looked through her phone and found photos of her cousin that she loved when she was a teenager. I asked her about it, and she said that it was nothing.... I lost trust, so I started spying on her. I downloaded an app on her phone to monitor her calls. She then warned him that I was watching her, and not to contact her until she managed [...]
Case 600
I live with a man who is much older than I am. We have been together for several years, but he doesn’t want to marry me. When I bring up the subject, he says, “No!” very emphatically. Dear Friend, Thank you for telling us your story. We believe that there are many women in your same situation who don’t know what to do. We don’t know whether or not you have children, but we are [...]
Case 599
I am thirty-eight and have never married, but I have three children with two different women: with the first woman, a fifteen-year-old daughter, and with the current woman, two children who are six and eight years old. I get along better with the first woman than with the second. Deep down inside I’m afraid I know that the second woman is not good for me. I stay with her because of the children. But I [...]
Case 598
After fourteen years of marriage, I met an older man and I was very attracted to him. We had an affair that lasted almost three months, until my husband found out what was going on.... More than two months have passed since the day that my husband found out. You can’t imagine how sorry I am about all of this.... I want to save my marriage until God decides that it’s over, but I feel [...]
Case 597
I am the father of three girls.... Some nights they would sleep with my wife and me in the same bed. One night I got up and, I don’t know why, but I began to feel attracted to them. I didn’t tell my wife, but I’ve looked for help.... I know this isn’t normal, and I have also stayed away from home for fear of continuing to make the same mistake. Dear Friend, We are [...]
Case 596
Our only son is twenty years old and is very rebellious.... He dropped out of the university three times, disappointing us and causing us to lose money. He prefers his deadbeat friends and bad habits, and one time he even hit me. My husband and I became very scared of him.... I got to the point where I couldn’t eat or sleep because of feeling such anguish and anxiety. After I refused to wash our [...]
Case 595
I got married when I was nineteen without knowing that I had a hereditary disease called hemophilia.... But everything was fine until I had to have surgery on my knees. Since then my marriage has been an odyssey. I suffered depression for the first time, and even tried to commit suicide by swallowing poison. Now my body is deteriorating because of the disease. My marriage has been affected by the constant disagreements and arguments.... I [...]
Case 594
I was brought up in a Christian home, but I can’t remember if I ever accepted Christ in my heart when I was young.... At the time I didn’t feel genuine repentance in my heart, I didn’t fear God, I had a bad attitude about going to church, and I was rebellious and proud.... I have been reading about the events in Revelation, and [while thinking about what Jesus Christ said], “Not everyone who says [...]
Case 593
Years ago, when I was just a child, I read the verse in the Bible about blaspheming against the Holy Spirit. I thought about it a lot, and I ended up having a blasphemous thought against Him. Now I am very afraid. I don’t know what to do. Dear Friend, As you may have noticed, we don’t usually give advice about theology. There are many organizations, including churches, that spend almost all of their time [...]