Case 592
I feel helpless.... It hurts me that my husband continues to mistrust me. More than a year ago (before we were married) I made the mistake of stealing money from him on several occasions.... Now we live with his mother, and she had the bad luck of losing some money with no explanation. As far as my husband and his mother are concerned, the only one who could be responsible is me.... Now the two [...]
Case 591
I fought in the civil war that unfortunately took place in my country.... When I returned home, I began to live a wild life of drunkenness, womanizing, and gambling, which caused problems in my marriage and suffering for my family.... For years I have believed that Jesus Christ is offering me the opportunity to change my bad habits, and I have sincerely offered Him my heart, trying to live like a Christian but without going [...]
Case 590
I am a thirty-year-old professional woman with a successful career, but when it comes to romantic relationships I have not had the same outcome. I had a boyfriend for several years, but he was unfaithful to me. Because of that, I have remained single.... [I moved to another city, and when I started my work on a project I met] a man. As soon as I saw him I felt attracted to him, and it [...]
Case 589
I am twenty-two years old, and I feel the need to have a serious girlfriend that I can marry and start a family with.... but I don’t know how to choose the right woman. I have seen stories on the Internet where some guys came up with supernatural signs for God to show them who was the right woman for them. I would like to know what your opinion is of this. Dear Friend, Thank [...]
Case 588
I feel enormous pressure in my chest. With no father and a mother that wanted to leave me with other people, I had a confusing and painful adolescence. A single mother at eighteen having suffered infidelity and lack of stability, I now live with a man who left his wife but doesn’t want to marry me. I have one son who is a drug addict, another one who has other problems, and a daughter whose [...]
Case 587
For the past week my wife has not wanted anything to do with me. We have been married for twelve years and have two children.... She says that it is because she married me without loving me.... I admit that I have contributed to the problem by my lack of understanding. Neither of us has been unfaithful, but she wants to be free and is about to begin divorce proceedings. I am sleeping on the [...]
Case 586
My husband and I have been married for eleven years and have two children.... He is a technician; I am a professional. The economic and educational burden for the children is mine. I also pay the mortgage and for our housekeeper. Since my husband earns less than I do, there are less things that he is responsible for. At times I feel frustrated because nothing is left for me personally and I don’t know how [...]
Case 585
Eleven years ago, I started living with a woman with whom I now have a four-year-old daughter, but recently the woman confessed that she had been unfaithful to me on two different occasions.... After breaking my heart with that, she left the house with my daughter. I have always been responsible and have never been unfaithful. After she left, I fell into a depression, but then I sought help from God and got spiritually stronger. [...]
Case 584
I love my romantic companion. I want to marry him, but my mother and my children don’t like him.... Besides, he wants me to do everything that he tells me to do, as if he were my father, and I don’t want a father, but just a companion. My children love me, but I live in two different houses: with my mother and my children in one house, and with him in another house. I [...]