Case 745
Twenty years ago I lived with my parents. They didn’t get along. My mother was sick, and I cared for her. My father had a second family, and he told me to leave the house because, if I didn’t, he would. Since I didn’t want my mother to suffer if my father left, I immediately returned to the country where she was from.... My mother died fourteen years ago, and now my father [...]
Case 744
I am the friend of a young woman who is twenty-seven years old. She has two daughters. We agreed to be housemates, living together only as friends, but I soon regretted that decision because we are not a couple. It troubles me to see her hang out with her male friends because I like her a lot, but she already rejected my advances on account of me being much older than she is. Dear Friend, [...]
Case 743
Four months ago I met a twenty-seven-year-old woman, and I like her a lot. She has suffered a great deal. Her father was murdered, and she had a couple of relationships that broke her heart even more. She says that she is full of bitterness and anger, that her heart has been hardened. She says that she loves me, but can’t show it because her heart won’t let her. It hurts me to see her [...]
Case 742
In my almost thirty years of life, I have had two romantic relationships, but both were disasters. I suffered humiliations, mockery, lies, and deception. After the last relationship, I went to therapy a couple of times. Both men have moved on to new relationships, and... I can’t help feeling angry to see they’re apparently happy with someone else. I am a professional woman, independent, honest, and friendly, but this has made me question [...]
Case 741
I’ve been feeling very depressed lately. I have a job that pays me well, but I don’t have time for myself. I’d like to have time to go out, have a boyfriend, and start a family, but I am afraid because there are no good men anymore. I need to have my own family. I’d like to be a mother and not to end up alone, but also not to have to settle for a [...]
Case 740
I am sixty-seven years old and have been married more than forty years. I’ve made many mistakes that I’m sorry for, especially for having been unfaithful to my wife on several occasions. I’m aware of the harm that I’ve caused and of having hurt my wife, my daughters, and my son. I don’t want to lose my family, much less be lost myself. My hope is in the mercy of my Lord Jesus Christ. Dear [...]
Case 739
My mother has been losing her memory. I take care of her twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. She is bedridden now. My father died a few years ago, and she confuses me with him.... The occasional times when my aunt can take care of my mother so that I can get out of the house, I feel nostalgic because I think about the times when I was able to take my mother [...]
Case 738
For the past two years I have been in love with a man who is thirty-six years old, and I am only eighteen. The first time that I saw him, I felt something very special.... Recently I saw him again. We looked at each other, and this time I felt something even stronger. Now I feel nervous, and I’m too embarrassed to talk to him. I’m scared to get close to him, especially since he [...]
Case 737
A few weeks ago, I traveled to another country without my twenty-eight and thirty-year-old adult children. Just a few days later, my older son jumped from a third floor and killed himself. So I returned to my country, but now I don’t have the energy to do anything at all. I would appreciate a word of advice. Dear Friend, We can’t even imagine the depths of despair that you have found yourself in! To lose [...]