Case 772
Not long ago, I fell into anxiety and depression.... I tried to force myself to focus on what I had to do, but I couldn’t.... While I was suffering from anxiety and depression, even my prayers lacked faith.... Two months ago, after I felt better, I began to examine myself in the light of God’s Word because my life wasn’t truly reflecting the character of Christ.... In those moments questions crossed my mind such [...]
Case 771
I am thankful to God for my job, but lately the stress is eating me up. I feel like I am being burdened down with too much work. I spoke to my boss, but he is not at all understanding. I don’t sleep enough, and even my temperament is changing.... My studies cost a great deal, and I was able to find a job within my profession. But I don’t want to get sick.... [...]
Case 770
It all started when I was four years old. I remember my mother whipping me with a leather strap with such force that my legs would end up scarred.... The punishments were always severe, applied with rage and accompanied by threats and even rejection sometimes.... When I was alone, I would hurt myself physically, masochist style, and that would calm me down. My compulsion to hurt myself has helped me to relieve day-to-day stress [...]
Case 769
For a year I gave my love to a man. There is a ten-year difference in our ages. I took him to my house, and everyone knew that I was in love with him, but he never asked me to be his girlfriend. That made me break up with him, and now I feel guilty because I think that he did love me.... Do you think that I made the right decision? Dear Friend, [...]
Case 768
Three years ago I met a woman. We didn’t have a good relationship, but we decided to have a child anyway. Eight months after our baby boy was born, the arguments and conflicts caused us to decide to separate.... We were never married.... Later I started going out with another woman and we weren’t careful when we had relations, so she ended up pregnant. She is not a Christian and my previous partner wasn’t [...]
Case 767
For the past three years I have been in a relationship with an extraordinary woman that I intend to marry. Recently I went with some friends to an erotic club.... A girl who worked there offered me a private dance that involves touching her, and I did it.... But I did not have sexual relations with her.... I only touched her body, and then ran out of there because I felt very dirty.... I’m really [...]
Case 766
I met a girl on an online dating application. She is six years younger than I am. In the beginning, everything was just friendly. However, within two weeks we became intimate.... One day, in casual conversation, she started telling me about her past.... Something inside me sounded an alarm, so I decided to investigate. To my great surprise, I discovered that she had told me several lies.... I have never known a bigger liar [...]
Case 765
My father married a young woman who is thirty-eight years younger than he. She doesn’t allow him to have any relationship with his children from his deceased first wife, that is, my mother.... Recently my youngest brother had emergency surgery.... He was in critical condition... but my father doesn’t want to go visit him.... When I learned about this, I was so distraught that my blood pressure went up and I had to get [...]
Case 764
I’ve been smoking marijuana since I was fifteen. When I was twenty-five, I accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior and Lord, and my life changed; but for some reason, a year and a half after giving up marijuana, I gave in and went back to smoking it. Since that time, I haven’t been able to quit.... I try and try, but I can’t. I’ve kept it a secret.... I go to church normally, but I [...]