Case 709
I am thirty-one. I was working at a job with a toxic environment that caused me to suffer from depression and chronic anxiety.... So I resigned and was out of work for two weeks. Now I have a better and more peaceful job that also pays better. However, the trauma I suffered because of that bad employment experience is affecting me. I dread reading my emails for fear that there will be a negative message [...]
Case 708
Six months ago, I married a man who loves me and respects me.... We get along well, but I have noticed that, for everything he is going to do, he calls his mother to let her know.... He tells her absolutely everything, from what we’re having for dinner to what time he gets up in the morning. And if he doesn’t answer her messages, she gets upset with him.... We visit my mother-in-law every Sunday, [...]
Case 707
I have been married for fourteen years. A few months ago, I discovered some messages between my wife and her ex-boyfriend. He asked her if she remembered when they were dating, and she responded that she remembered it as good times. According to the Bible, that was adultery. When I confronted her, she tried to deny it, but later she admitted it. I managed to convince her to block her ex-boyfriend on social media, but [...]
Case 706
I have never gotten married nor had children of my own, but I take care of my nieces and nephews as if they were my children. That is because their parents are irresponsible and love to party. The father is an alcoholic, and the mother doesn’t have the least bit of affection for them. Neither of them takes care of the basic needs of the children, such as their education, housing, and food.... They are [...]
Case 705
Two and a half months ago, I met my boyfriend, and everything was beautiful. But his attitude suddenly changed, and since then he has treated me very badly. He told me that he would change, but now... he blames me for everything that happens, even though I believe I haven’t done anything wrong. I want to understand him because I love him.... I’d like for you to tell me what to do to help him [...]
Case 704
I was divorced when I married a widow, who has two children that I accepted as if they were my own.... She had been physically abused by her mother and then by her late husband, and she repeated that abuse with her children.... She even started treating me as if I were her third child, to the extent of abusing me physically and verbally.... She constantly threatened that she was going to leave me, and [...]
Case 703
I am a single, thirty-three-year-old woman, living with my parents and younger sister.... Since I am the only one with a stable income, I pay for almost all the expenses of the household. My parents’ income only covers the rental of the house. A few years back I got a loan to cover a significant family need, and I am still paying it down. I’ve given my parents advice about what I believe we should [...]
Case 702
Eight years ago, after living with a woman I ended it and went back to my wife. But I was such a horrible person that I left the woman pregnant. And more than four years ago she died unexpectedly.... Now I realize that, besides being a horrible person, I don’t deserve to live. I have even considered suicide as an option. Now my daughter, whose mother died, lives with her maternal grandmother, and even though [...]
Case 701
Eighteen years ago, my wife was unfaithful with someone who claimed to be my friend. But because I had also been unfaithful, I decided to forgive her. She has always been an excellent mother, and now is a wonderful grandmother for our two grandchildren. Ever since then we’ve been very happy together, until two months ago when that guy, with whom she had been unfaithful, wrote to her on Facebook. She answered and they exchanged [...]