Case 583

Absentee Parents, Romantic Relationships/Courtship (Uncertainty/Doubt), Small children (Discipline/Instruction/Care)|

My girlfriend is the single mother of a six-month-old daughter. The pregnancy was not planned, and she doesn’t love the baby’s father. It was a bad relationship. She decided to break up with him before she knew that she was pregnant.... The baby girl’s father now wants to be with the two of them, but my girlfriend, with her family’s blessing, decided they couldn’t be together because it would be insufferable to live with him. [...]

Case 582

Marriage (Spousal Abuse)|

I have been in a relationship for ten years. I have three children. The relationship has not been good because there has been physical and verbal abuse, even in front of my children. I don’t want to continue in this relationship. I need a lot of help. Dear Friend, We are very sorry to hear what you have been going through. We certainly can understand why you don’t want to continue the relationship. What is [...]

Case 581

Abandonment of Spouse|

I am a twenty-seven-year-old married man.... Some months ago, I lost my wife because of my bad attitudes and decisions.... We have a three-year-old son, and... I’ve always wanted to make a home for him. But at this moment I have no contact with the boy’s mother. I ask God, first, that he will forgive me for all my mistakes, and also that he will restore our home. There are days when my faith falters, [...]

Case 580

Abandonment of Spouse|

My husband separated from me without giving me a reason and without leaving the house. He just moved into another bedroom. I have asked him why, but he won�t give me any answers.... I have accepted the separation, and I don�t even love him anymore, but I am fond of him because he is the father of my children. Since the time that he separated from me five years ago, I have not [participated fully [...]

Case 579

Absentee Parents|

A month after my partner and I started living together, she got pregnant, but I thought that she had been unfaithful to me. So I ordered a DNA test, and the child is mine. The question I have is: Was it a sin for me to ask for a DNA test? Dear Friend, You ask if it was a sin for you to have requested a DNA test to prove that your son was [...]

Case 578

Adult children|

My daughter is almost twenty-two years old, but I don’t want her to go out with her friends nor her boyfriend, nor to stay out all night. I have gone to the extreme of threatening her and asking her to move out of my house, though I then wished I hadn’t. I don’t want to hurt her, but I don’t know why I feel such hatred when she says she’s going to a party and [...]

Case 577

Depression / Anxiety / Panic, Infatuation/Falling in Love|

A girl from my past, who I have always been in love with, showed up again. She told me that she was married and had a daughter, but that the marriage was solely for the purpose of getting her a visa to another country, and that when she had it in hand, she would get a divorce and marry me. The problem is that I have caught her in a lot of lies.... She says [...]

Case 576

Cohabitation, Illness|

Until a few days ago, I was in a relationship with a guy that I’ve known for years. He was living in another country, but came to live in my country so that he could be with me. After a few months, he decided to leave because he didn’t like living here. I supported his decision, but when he left I discovered that he was going with another woman, and now they are living together. [...]

Case 575


I am a twenty-nine-year-old man. Two years ago, I met a single mother (with one daughter) who was twenty-five. We were in a romantic relationship for nine months, but since my family was against it, I broke it up after nine months. She was devastated, and I had no contact with her for the next year and a half. I couldn’t stop thinking about her, however, so I contacted her again and she happily agreed [...]